Posted 16 years ago #
Can anyone tell where is the logic that lists all category posts?
eg: which script renders the pages --
I want to list sitewide posts in the main blog by category in these pages, i think this is the best place to start... if anyone has implemented this pls help..
It isn't really a script that renders that - those URLs are created by mod_rewrite, as a permalink.
This thread here:
Even if it says tags at the top, it's from before tags were in WP, and it does in fact use categories.
For a live example of this, go to
once it's set up, you can pretty much do anything.
If you wanted to *replace* the main blog content, just use the autofeed plugin to pull in the sitewide feed (using the sitewide feed plugin) and fiddle the template to categorize the pots.
Posted 16 years ago #
thanks andrea, i guess i was thinking more interms of your ah_recent posts plugin. I already have predefined categories, I am not sure using separate wordpress install as outlined in the above is right approach for me... If I write a function that retrieves posts from category similar to recent posts plugin, how do I display the results in a separate page?
I also have sitewide feed installed which works fine...
I am bit confused if that is same as step 2 in the above post -- 2) Install the WPMufeed plugin and get it working.
"If I write a function that retrieves posts from category similar to recent posts plugin, how do I display the results in a separate page?"
make a special page template and call the function there.
"am bit confused if that is same as step 2 in the above post -- 2) Install the WPMufeed plugin and get it working."