I have a site-wide recent comments running on my wpmu installation. http://achillesblog.com/
Instead of using the rss feed method that I have been reading about, I created a plugin and an additional table to store the site wide comments in. The overhead in storage and processing is the extra insert into the new sitewide comment table when someone comments, but I thought that was a good trade-off for displaying the recent site-wide comments efficiently whenever a page is refreshed.
If anyone wants this code or suggestions to make this better, please let me know.
Stick it up on wpmudev.org. :)
wow, thats just what I've been searching for and your post is just an hour ago...
Please put it on wpmudev. Thanks.
Do you know if your plugin is compatible with Donncha's sitewide tags plugin?
Donncha's plugin creates a new blog with posts/tags/cats but no comments or comment data is saved or duped. Each post permalink goes back to the originating blog where comment data is kept in the usual way.
The recent comments plugin above creates a new db table, but not in any blog, just for site-comments where every comment's data is duped when saved. How you make use of the data is up to you. Usually a sidebar widget list of some kind.
Neither plugin will break the other, they'll both function as designed. You still won't have comments attached to posts in the tags blog, though.
"You still won't have comments attached to posts in the tags blog, though."
That's what I'm trying to do. Have the recent comments listed on the sidebar. But according to you this method isn't possible in the tags/main blog, whichever you picked through Donncha's.
Is there a plugin or hack that allows sitewide comments to be listed?
Oh wait, sorry, I might have mis-interpreted your statement.
With the recent comments plugin, I should be able to have a list of the comments on the sidebar.
BUT not attached to the Comment like near the title. Right?