Looks like one of the action hooks was fine, i made you change it on accident :).
Back on line 111 which now says "signup_extra_fields", change it back to user_register.
Also, now that i look at the code better, depending on where you want the extra fields to show up you have to use different hooks for the formFields. I would think you want the extra fields to display below the blog form, right? Right now it will display above it which i think would look awkward, so search the file for "signup_hidden_fields" and change to "signup_extra_fields".
Sorry this is a bit messy. Now you see the differences of WPMU :). The signup process is very different, but they share similar functions. Normal wordpress doesn't even have a wp-signup.php. Once again, i haven't tested any of this. It's all speculative from looking at the code.