I want to "publish" a post to all 3000 of my blogs, so that it appears on the homepage. Is this possible? Do I have to edit the mysql tables manually for something like this?
my application is really one site where each blog is a page. wordpress MU is really powerful in some perspectives and really problematic in others, IE, massive rollouts.
Please help
I am looking for a way to do something similar. I haven't found anything already done (plugin) to allow this functionality, so I am working on a custom code to do it.
I am working on a small plugin which will work like this:
1. On the base blog (or in whichever you prefer) you create a category where you will post the entries to plublish on all the blogs.
2. You tell the plugin the name of that category and the name/id of the blog where it is set up.
3. This is the trickiest part: open the page of your template where you want these posts to appear and insert a call to the plugin like: <?php adminPosts(categoryId); ?>
4. Write an entry and publish it on the category.
The code of the plugin will just retrive the posts from that category from that blog, independently of from which individual blog you are callling it.
I'll upload the plugin when ready. Contact me at info at ajweb dot es if you want any details.
Sounds like a very useful plugin, although if you have many themes, that would be a lot of editing and testing;)
Hmmm.. I'm wondering if you set up an autoposter type of plugin on all blogs and did it that way.
isn't there a plugin that allows you to set mass blog attributes? set up autoblog to look for a certain feed, activate it for all blogs at once. then when you publish to that feed, it hits every blog at one time. i know this is kinda reaching around my elbow, but just something to think about.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking. :)
Posted 16 years ago #
so, andrea_r do you have some solution for that?
If you just need a "featured post" to appear on the front page ...
function roll_out_output() {
$tags_blog = get_site_option( 'tags_blog_id' );
echo 'The Loop with a custom query_posts';
wp_tag_cloud(); // just for fun
I think you can solve this by using regular wp and using the wp-hive.com plugin!