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frontpage (3 posts)

  1. testare
    Posted 16 years ago #


    Iv serached the forums and i find some info about making a frontpage to my bloggfarm.

    im a newbi...
    i choose a theme
    but what file do i modify to change the front?
    I also got lots of widgets
    but how do i put in a widget where evere i want to have it?.

    I guess im looking for what most are...

    a clean frontpage
    that displays..

    new bloggs
    updated bloggs
    most active bloggs
    new comments

    is there a theme like this?


  2. discoveralaska
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I would be interested in knowing this as well....should someone have an answer.

  3. testare
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Well i can answer myself..partly

    _list_all_blogs widget i found @
    take care of the:
    new bloggs
    updated bloggs
    most active bloggs
    new comments

    for me the hard part is now the stylesheets...

    Questions tho....

    1. when i try to insert the Avatar Pack plugin i just get " fatal error " when i try to activate it..
    I have a avatar folder with correct settings and the php file is modyfied to to my site settings....still fatal error.

    Anyone that has a clue what could be wrong?

    2. Themes
    I changed a theme that i liked...well just to pictures..
    how do i chnage the text and that shows up under admin were i pick the themes.

    now i have 4 themes with the same name and text

    i would like to add my own words to the themes

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