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User guide for Wordpress Multi user version? (12 posts)

  1. ygagnon
    Posted 16 years ago #

    By any chance, .. is there a downloadable PDF version of the user guide for Wordpress MU that someone could steer me to? The online documentation for the MU version of Wordpress seems very sparse (Yes, I've reviewed the "codex" already) and it seems I can never find answers to my questions when sifting through there.

    Thanks in advance,
    - Yvan

  2. andrea_r
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Nope there isn't such a beast. It's the codex and http://wpmututorials (me, unofficially) and this forum.

  3. awarner20
    Posted 16 years ago #

    @ ygagnon,

    I wish I could tell you there was. I have found a ton of help from andrea's site site and this forum, but I must admit answers to some basic usage questions aren't laid out as simply as the standard WP.

    I have discovered that MU is more of an "learn as you go" process than what I was used to, and I'm stumbling my way through as well.

    My best advice is to take some time getting familiar with the Admin dashboard, and read these forums, even if they don't pertain to exactly what you're looking for. I've learned and been able to understand many things about MU by coming across them by chance.

    We're all willing to help as best we can:)

  4. bwinn
    Posted 16 years ago #

    yes andrea is the human version of the guide ;)

  5. andrea_r
    Posted 16 years ago #

    ... and I have "DON'T PANIC" written in large friendly letters across my back... :D

    Seriously, if you hve any suggestions for more tutorials (and I really need a better layout) I'm all ears (even with a dozen posts on draft ;) )

  6. awarner20
    Posted 16 years ago # long, and thanks for all;)

  7. ygagnon
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Andrea - perhaps you can assist me with this other issue that I posted about in this forum the other day:

    - Yvan

  8. ygagnon
    Posted 16 years ago #

    One other question:

    I started out by doing a basic install of Wordpress MU, .. then proceeded to customize the theme (home.php, header.php, and footer.php, etc.) .. and then I set up 4 different blogs via the admin. How do I now apply my customized theme to each of the 4 blogs? Can I do that via the admin, and if so, where/how? Or do I need to physically copy over some theme files to a another folder?

    - Yvan

  9. tdjcbe
    Posted 16 years ago #

    ygagnon, you only need to ask your question once. Asking your questions multiple times is very much frowned upon.

  10. ygagnon
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Well, I was only trying to draw attention to my previous inquiry, since this particular thread for some reason yielded the attention of more members. I didn't re-post my question or anything. Tdjcbe - Do you have any insight into that WWW situation, by any chance? Or any insight about my themes question?

    - Yvan

  11. andrea_r
    Posted 16 years ago #

    To answer the theme question: go to the backend of each blog and change it to the new theme. It's under Presentation.

    that's simple basic wordpress stuff.

  12. ygagnon
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Ah -- I see. I wasn't aware that there were separate admin sites for each blog that's created. Clicking on the "Backend" links for each blog finally drew my attention to this. I have a few more questions, but I'll just post those in a new thread.

    Thanks Andrea!
    - Yvan

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