I'd appreciate any pointers for where to look with this one. It doesn't make sense to me, so I need to learn a bit more but don't know where to focus.
Attempts to use IE to login to new blogs fail. Clicking the link to wp-login.php results in IE wanting to download/save the wp-login.php file instead of running the script and displaying the login username/password dialogue box. Firefox and Safari work normally.
Example problem blog: http://edubuzz.org/blogs/p7yester2008/wp-login.php
Any older blogs tested, e.g. http://edubuzz.org/blogs/student2/wp-login.php , have been OK.
There is a similar previous post http://mu.wordpress.org/forums/topic.php?id=6216 .
In that one, disabling plugins was the solution. I have disabled all plugins, but that hasn't helped.
The problem has been replicated with a number of different PCs, with both IE6 and IE7.
The problem has only been seen since 1.3.3 upgrade.
The site uses WPMU object caching ((define('ENABLE_CACHE', true);). Switching that off hasn't helped.
Setting Apache LogLevel to debug doesn't generate any helpful errors in error_log.
PHP is logging (E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE) to syslog but nothing there looks relevant.
Environment is: WPMU 1.3.3, Apache 2.0.55 Ubuntu, PHP V5.1.2, using CGI/1.1 gateway interface, My SQL 5.0.22