I just installed WPMU with the installation Instructions.
My host Configured the httpd.conf And i edited the wildcard entry. Everything is configured like should. But when you signup for a blog you get a subdomain, But when you go to it you only see an info.php File. Not a WP installation.
Can someone help me to get it working correctly?
URL : http://www.itblogging.com/wp-signup.php
Marcel Doornbos
Can you please mention you webhosting company address here.
Posted 16 years ago #
There are not files created, when a blog is created. The subdomain is virtual as the blog in terms of files. Only tables in database are created.
Posted 16 years ago #
It looks like your wildcard dns isn't pointing to the same location as your main mu installation.
Can you check what directory each is pointing to - everything to do with your MU installation should be pointing to the same place:
myplace.com /users/webdomain/myplace.com/html
*.myplace.com /users/webdomain/myplace.com/html
cafespain: Where can i check that. Because with the wildcard dns i never had to specify a path like that.
Posted 16 years ago #
you'll probably need to ask whoever set up your wildcard dns for you. When I go to itblogging.com I get the MU installation, but when I go to test.itblogging.com (which I just made up without actually creating a blog) I get a different location with just the info.php file in it.
So Can anybody help me To Fix this?
Please Someone help me with this.
Posted 16 years ago #
Can you post your httpd.conf? You mention in the original message that you edited the wildcard entry
I edited the DNS. And i asked my host to edite the httpd.conf
I asked them to add this:
<VirtualHost (Server IP)>
DocumentRoot /home/(Cpanel User)/public_html
BytesLog domlogs/itblogging.com-bytes_log
User (Cpanel User)
Group (Cpanel User)
ServerAlias itblogging.com *.itblogging.com
ServerName http://www.itblogging.com
CustomLog domlogs/itblogging.com combined
And at the DNS Zone i only added:
* 14400 A (Server IP)
Yep, that info is in the readme.txt.
Posted 16 years ago #
From a quick ping check your DNS is set-up ok, but I think they've messed up the httpd.conf setup.
Your wildcard (from test.itblogging.com) is pointing at:
You can see this going to http://test.itblogging.com/info.php and scrolling all the way down to the bottom and looking at _SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]
Which certainly isn't:
/home/(Cpanel User)/public_html
Might be best to ask them what they set up and maybe provide a copy of it for you. I don't think it's something you can fix yourself unless you have access to the webserver config files.
So you think My Host cant change that either?
That would mean that i need to get a VPS or Dedicated Server. :(
Posted 16 years ago #
Your host could probably change it (any competent host that is :) ), maybe they mis-typed or you got a trainee who set it up originally ;p
Just pop them a quick support email and say that it doesn't look like your wildcard entry (eg test.itblogging.com) is going to the same place as your main site for itblogging.com and see what they say.
The type of hosting you need depends on what you want to use WordPress MU for really... and can result in long and conflicting advice. Try a search for Host on this forum and you will see what I mean :)
Thank You for your help :)
So after they changed it it should be working correctly?
It Works now :) Software getting setup, and all things work i think. :)
Edit: My host was changing some things in php version, since there was an error :) Now it works again :)
Posted 16 years ago #