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1.5.1 cookies and integration with BB Press? (7 posts)

  1. CaddyJ
    Posted 16 years ago #

    First off, MU 1.5.1 seems pretty nifty so far. I'm quite new to Wordpress & MU, but I'm fast falling in love.

    I've been following the development of 1.5.1 from trunk through until release with a mind to apply it to my site currently running 1.3.3.

    On applying 1.5.1 however, I haven't yet been able to integrate it successfully with BB Press (0.9+), despite applying the usual checklist, reverting to the mouldy cookies & md5 plugins that worked with 1.3.3 and a few things besides. I haven't had any problems with a 2.5.1 Worpress and BB Press, so I was wondering if anyone knows what's different about the MU blend?

    I apologize if this is the wrong forum to post this query in (rather than BB Press), but I figured that since 1.5.1 is hot off the press as it were, the people in the know would be here.

    If anyone manages to successfully integrate or knows whether this is currently possible (with BB 0.9 or above), I'd greatly appreciate your thoughts. Thanks.

  2. andrewbillits
    Posted 16 years ago #


    read through the bbpress blog for information on how to sync users:


  3. CaddyJ
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Thanks for the lead, but as far as I can tell I've tried most of what has been suggested.

    Both SECRET_KEY in wp-config and BB_SECRET_KEY in bb-config are defined as one and the same, the "secret" from the wordpress options page is present in the bb-admin config panel. I’ve also tried defining the cookie paths and mapping roles for new users. So far no joy...

    Has anyone else integrated yet? Maybe I'm just missing something here. Cheers.

  4. michaelpfox
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I'm noticing that the cookie generated by bbPress has a name of the form wordpress_xyz where xyz is a long string. The cookie generated by WPMU is simply named wordpress (unlike regular Wordpress that has the _xyz string).

    Similarly when looking at cookies with Safari, under the 'Contents' column, there is a string of the form username%abc, where abc is another string. I'm currently seeing the first 10 characters of the %abc string being identical, but remaining characters different (comparing the bbPress and WPMU cookies).

    I'm not an experienced techie. I do notice that in WPMU's wp-config.php file there is a secret_salt string setting, which does not appear in the bbPress config file (bb-config.php). If I recall also from regular Wordpress there is not secret_salt setting. My hunch is the salt key is modifying the %abc string, but that's a shot in the dark.

    I don't know enough to know the answer, but perhaps my observations could help someone more experienced than me move towards a solution... Thank you for your help.

  5. Konstan
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I've been unable to archieve this and I hope someone manages to do it.

  6. Trent
    Posted 16 years ago #

    The following instructions work with WPMU as well. It requires putting the in the secret into bb-config.php with the same one as in wp-config.php.


  7. wehican
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I installed BBPress a few days ago and it seems to work fine. I haven't got into user roles or anything fancy. WPMU and BBPress pick up the users created in either just fine it seems. I used the Secret Salt key in wp-config.php for the WordPress database secret in the BBPress Wordpress integration page.

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