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Admin areas are horribly slow since upgrade to 1.5.1 (13 posts)

  1. Viper007Bond
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Been running 1.3.x (right?) for months with no problems. I upgraded the client's site to 1.5.1 yesterday and ever since the admin areas (not the main sites though) take literally like 5 minutes to load. All pages and blogs are affected.

    Any ideas what would be causing something like this? The main blogs load instantly.

    I checked the site's error_log, but there's nothing in there really except some 404's. I'd download access_log, but it's 100MB, my connection sucks, and it'd probably not help.

  2. tdjcbe
    Posted 16 years ago #

    The readme file discusses how to turn on error reporting. You may want to give that a try to see if anything is getting kicked out.

    Make sure you've cleared out your browser file and cookie cache. You may be running into conflicts.

    Removing plugins to see if that helps is also something to try. There may be a conflict there as well.

  3. Viper007Bond
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Problem solved. The file() loading of upgrade.php was sitting there for 120 seconds and then timing out. Removing the code and manually upgrading each blog solved the problem.

    Thanks much to donncha for helping me debug! :)

  4. suleiman
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Viper, could you please post back here exactly which lines of upgrade.php you removed? I haven't tried upgrading to 1.5.1 but it is on my radar, this would definitely help :)

  5. Konstan
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Yes, I'd like to know as well since I have to upgrade soon.

  6. Viper007Bond
    Posted 16 years ago #

    No, I removed the lines in /wp-admin/admin.php that attempt to silently load upgrade.php behind the scenes for the user. This server's configuration seems to be poor, so that loading of the file was timing out.

    Without these lines though, pre-1.5.1 blogs won't get their database upgraded. You'll need to run upgrade.php for each blog manually.

    Hopefully a switch will be made to include() and then dump the output buffer or just use the upgrade functions directly.

  7. figaro
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Without these lines though, pre-1.5.1 blogs won't get their database upgraded. You'll need to run upgrade.php for each blog manually.

    I haven't upgraded to 1.5.1 yet, but I thought the admin could upgrade all blogs in one go through site admin?

  8. lunabyte
    Posted 16 years ago #

    It will. That's what the upgrade link under Site Admin is for.

    In a nutshell:

    1) Kick out users other than yourself, and redirect them to a temporary static page. (Maintenance in progress kind of thing).

    2) Upload new files.

    3) Run the upgrade under Site Admin.

    4) Call it a day.

  9. Viper007Bond
    Posted 16 years ago #

    If wpmu-upgrade-site.php works on your server, then you might as well just let the upgrades happen silently behind the scenes, especially if you have thousands of blogs (it'd take you forever).

    However, wpmu-upgrade-site.php doesn't work for me as it works basically the same way the silent upgrade works.

  10. aaron_guitar
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Were you getting any errors in your error log?

  11. donncha
    Key Master
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Viper007Bond - just modified wpmu-upgrade-site.php to only use Snoopy so that should fix that problem for you.

  12. mikeboy3
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Could you be more specific on this? because I don't really know which lines to eliminate:

    All this?
    if ( get_option('db_version') != $wp_db_version ) {
    $http_fopen = ini_get("allow_url_fopen");
    if($http_fopen) {
    $out = @file( get_option( "siteurl" ) . "/wp-admin/upgrade.php?step=1" ); // upgrade the db!
    } else {
    $client = new Snoopy();
    @$client->fetch( get_option( "siteurl" ) . "wp-admin/upgrade.php?step=1");

    or just a small part?

  13. azsportshub
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Hey, did anyone find a fix for this...Unfortunately I have to downgrade to 1.5.1 to get it compatible with my BBpress install.

    However, upon downgrading the admin area is running the slowest i've ever seen!

About this Topic

  • Started 16 years ago by Viper007Bond
  • Latest reply from azsportshub