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DB manipulation for new blogs, users etc. (7 posts)

  1. LFReD
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Looking to automate blog creation, adding users etc. by manipulating the wp DB directly.

    Any docs around outlining which tables / fields need updating with what when creating a new blog, new user, associating a user to a blog etc. Seems easy enough to grok, but docs would be nice.

  2. suleiman
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I do apologize in advance if I am mischaracterizing your request. From the sounds of it this is majorly spammy sounding. The MU community around here doesn't take kindly to assisting spammers.

  3. andrea_r
    Posted 16 years ago #

    And that's why the docs aren;t out there, I think. :)

  4. lunabyte
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Spammers are the absolute scum of the earth, and great candidates for removal from the gene pool.

  5. LFReD
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Wow, you guys are really paranoid. A simple request for docs on the inner workings of an open source project and you think spam?

    I mentioned that I'm altering the DB directly ie: I have localhost access. What am I going to do, spam myself?

    Im auto-generating blogs / accounts when a new user signs up through our CMS. I truly doubt the authors of wpmu deliberately avoided documenting things to hinder script kiddies like yourselves.

  6. c2h5oh
    Posted 16 years ago #

    If you think everyone wants to get you it's not paranoia, it's common sense. Paranoia starts when you think they are working together to do it. ;-)

    As for spamming yourself wordpress mu is a wonderful link farm. With some work you can make it look as a real blogging platform, while all the content is generated automatically.

  7. crsneil
    Posted 16 years ago #

    LFReD, I feel your pain.

    Personally, I write really, really ugly code. And when I decided to create a blogging community for military families who had lost someone in combat, all the research I could do suggested that WPMU was the way to go - this after six months spent trying Joomla, Drupal, b2evo and a pile of other solutions. Since I'm paying for everything out of my own pocket and running the site free of advertising, FOSS was a necessity.

    Luckily, I had a great database of 4515 KIA's from the Department of Defense to work with, so it should have been pretty easy to do what I was thinking of.

    Then I read the posts in this forum, and realized that it would be easier to create all 4515 blogs and users manually, than it would to let the "helpful" people on this forum pass judgment on what kind of person I am, or tell me that I'm an idiot for not using the search functions when it takes just about as much typing to provide a link, and maybe a minute more than that to provide actual useful information. (Have a look - you'll see that some say 'search for it yourself' more than they give real answers.)

    To your question, the only workaround I came up with was to hack the wpmu-blogs.php file to auto-fill the fields in the blog create form with the values I would want for each new blog, and loop through it, loading the next blog and user to be created when the page reloads. So at least for the last half of my database, I was able to go through by only hitting "Add Blog" 2000 times - and I wish I were exaggerating.

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