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Blank Dashboard page (10 posts)

  1. mikeboy3
    Posted 16 years ago #


    I am running on WPmu 1.5.1 and the dashboard pages are turning up blank, the wp-admin/ directory shows a blank page and I have to access directly wp-admin/post-new.php or another page.

    This does not happen on all blogs, I don't have any cache plugins activated or anything.

    Thanks in advance

  2. andrea_r
    Posted 16 years ago #

    And what do your error logs say?

  3. mikeboy3
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I don't know, I don't really know where to look for those :s Ill try to ask in the support department for my hosting account and post here. Any ideas in the meantime?

  4. tdjcbe
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Try turning off your plugins to see if that helps.

    You mention it only happens on some blogs. have you reviewed what's different from the blog where it is occurring to the ones where it's not occurring?

    First place to check should have been the error logs as Andrea notes:

  5. BondageRadio
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I have found that most of the errors in 1.5.1 come from incompatibility with 1.3.3 and WP 2.5 plugins.

    Disable any admin area plugins you may have, and any style modification plugins, also look for any plugin (mu or standard) that may add a dashboard menu under index.php in the admin section. (OneClick Installer does this)

    I have actually gone through my entire collection of plugins that worked wonderfully under 1.3.3 and/or work well in wp 2.5.1, and eliminated ALL of them for use with 1.5.1

    The result was a completely generic wpmu install that offered almost no features for my users. I rolled back to 1.3.3.

    Yes it looks cool, Yes it has the new Media Upload in posts, but that was just not enough to support the upgrade, and loss of advanced features offered by my plugins packages from 1.3.3.

  6. mikeboy3
    Posted 16 years ago #

    well, thanks for your support, I just reactivated all plugins and it was solved on its own... weird

  7. cafespain
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Bondageradio: Which plugins did you have the problems with?
    I'm slowly adding more and more plugins, but other than a couple have not really had any that I've needed to remove.

  8. BondageRadio
    Posted 16 years ago #

    cafespain: I wrote a detailed review here.

  9. BondageRadio
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Here's a quote from the review:

    Well I've managed to kill all of my plugins with WPMU 1.5.1.

    Each of the plugins I have used in the past to add functionality to my sites, such as Universal Page Footers, Universal Tags and Catagories, any type of Podcasting, Voice Comments, RSS enhancements, etc has been shot down as incompatable with WPMU 1.5.1 (even though most of the plugins used are either WPMU 1.3.3 or WP 2.5.1 compatable)

    Simple:Press Forum still works as advertised, in a few instances even better, but that single plugin alone isn't enough to justify maintaining a WPMU 1.5.1 site.

    Returning to WPMU 1.3.3 meant giving up the cool media interface, but it also meant my xmlrpc media tools work again. Add to that the ability to have myphpadmin, and database management tools back in the dashboard where they can be accessed easily, and you'll start to see how much we depend on plugin compatability.

  10. mikeboy3
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I figured out what is causing the problem, not any of the plugins, but the Theme, K2's sidebar Manager is the culprit here! I reported it on K2's forums, lets hope it is fixed:

About this Topic

  • Started 16 years ago by mikeboy3
  • Latest reply from mikeboy3