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Can't acces to admin panel after installation (14 posts)

  1. NicholasF
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Hi there,

    I'm running Wordpress Mu 1.5.1 with PHP Version 5.2.0 and Microsoft-IIS/6.0 local server

    I'm searching a solution for hours now and didn't found any solution that worked yet ...

    I have installed Wordpress Mu and everything worked great since I tried to log in with the default 'admin' login and password ...

    The problem is that I'm always redirected from http://wordpress/wp-login.php to http://wordpress/wp-login.php?redirect_to=%2Fwp-admin%2Findex.php

    So I can't access to the control pannel ...

    I read that Wordpress Mu can work on IIS but I tried to install the same version of WP mu on a local server (Apache) machine (using the trick) and it worked great

    ... so did I missed something with IIS ?? ... special configuration to do or something ??

    Anybody solved this already ?


  2. NicholasF
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Anyone please ? Still don't understand what's going on ...

  3. lunabyte
    Posted 16 years ago #

    It would appear you don't have a valid domain in place for your testing.

    ://wordpress/... isn't a valid domain. It needs a properly formatted domain with an extension.

    I thought this was checked during install? We had an IP install the other day, and now it appears to be an extension-less install? Strange.

  4. bloggus
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Yes, it MU works for me on IIS. Although you have to have a rewrite software compared to mod_rewrite on Apache. A good solutions is the ISAPI_rewrite (it is not free). As a reseller I could give you some discount, but anyway ... download the free trial version and try it at first. You have to have admin access for that ...

  5. Craig3
    Posted 16 years ago #

    This solution works perfect

    Clean Permalinks for Wordpress on IIS using .htaccess

    It requires iis mod-rewrite pro which is not free either, but it's the best solution I know and it pays back if runing a serious website.

  6. bloggus
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Well Craig3; best solution? Well I don't know ... :)

    Either one software will work for you. The good thing with ISAPI_REWRITE is basically that you can use it under 45-day trial period and see if it works for you while the software Craig3 suggested has a very limited trial (IIS has to be restarted ...), almost redicilous. Anyway, try out any of the software, see if it fits your needs and since there are both compatible (enough) with Apache mod-rewrite, it is your only choice on IIS.

  7. Craig3
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Yes bloggus best solution, no question. IIS Mod-Rewrite is overall the best product I know in this category of sofware, and most importantly is absolutely reliable. As a reseller of ISAPI_REWRITE you should have been a bit skeptical about this product as ISAPI_REWRITE is known to have serious stability problems in version 3.

    Just because you're totally misleading, IIS Mod-Rewrite besides the 30 mins per restart, also supports unlimited trial period for all localhost requests. So no need to pay extra bucks for licenses for dev use, which I personally find very handy compare to the 45-day game over. However, I agree that an additional 45-day full operation trial mode in IIS Mod-Rewrite for non local requests would be a big plus.

    NicholasF, just so I'm not misleading either, ISAPI_REWRITE can work for you too as both products work quite similarly to mod_rewrite. The choice is just a matter of price and quality. Indeed IIS Mod-Rewrite Pro is more expensive than ISAPI_REWRITE. The quality is incomparable though, and this is the sole reason for why I recommend IIS Mod-Rewrite.

  8. bloggus
    Posted 16 years ago #


    yes I have a reseller account, but don't sell the software, unless somebody wants is for a lesser price and ask me - without me charging anything extra. I'm not biased either since I tried all the rewrite softwares, even the free ones and choose the one I like, and this is what I recommend NicholosF to do. Try and judge for yourself.

    Anyway the stability problems is nothing I have seen using version 3. Not a single problem and I run a lot of websites under it. Anyway the problems you refer to are probably something you seen on the forums they have ... which is a great feedback for them I guess. For me the open forums for isapi_rewrite are great, opposite to mod-rewrite software where all problems goes only through they support and therefore are less "official".

    To be honest, looking at your posting record, I would say you are promoting your company this way on this forums and I find is outrageous - while I'm just trying to solve his problem and give him options.

  9. Craig3
    Posted 16 years ago #

    So bloggus, please, just focus in helping rather than judging others.

  10. bloggus
    Posted 16 years ago #

    You're right. So Craig3, please, stop promoting your software. :)

  11. BondageRadio
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Actually, the BEST solution is probably reformat the windows virus/spy/crap/ware OS and install the FREE Umbuntu distro which has Apache with mod_rewrite built in.

    Then you can use the computer for something other than a virus target and actually get down to the business of web hosting (and design, software production, etc.) rather than debugging the worlds buggiest software on a daily basis and chewing up CPU cycles on anti-crapware processes to close up the security holes left by the Taiwanese/Chinese programmers/spammers/hackers.

    just my .02

    And, no... I don't work for them, nor am I a reseller Affiliate

  12. bloggus
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Good and mature point BondageRadio :)

    Some forum members here usually say that passing on IIS would be the best solution, but this is just not right. It depends of the preferences people have. Some like carrots and some like peas :) Some like to run both ASP and PHP on their servers ... and so on. Some like a Honda, som Porche and some Skoda ... who cares.

    I will not go into a huge discussion which OS is best to run, this is up to each and every one to decide.

    The question was here about WPMU and IIS and it was answered: third party mod rewrite software of some kind is needed to get it to work. Everything else work just fine ...

  13. mhz
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I can't access to the control pannel too. after doing your suggest in step 9 in "Clean Permalinks for Wordpress on IIS using .htaccess" page i can't login to admin panel and ... .
    please help me again.

  14. wpandy
    Posted 16 years ago #


    It seems that most people have this problem when they're testing out or deploying WordPress MU in their intranet (localhost). The solution is to have a full qualified domain name (e.g, wpmu.local) so that the cookie can get sent. If you're using Apache, you can enable this via vhosts and adjusting your "hosts" file.

    Enable vhosts in your apache httpd.conf file by uncommenting the following line:

    Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf

    and put the following lines at the bottom of your httpd.conf file:

       DocumentRoot "path/to/your/wordpress-mu-installation"
       ServerName wpmu263.local

    DocumentRoot above is the absolute path to your WordPress MU root folder while ServerName is your FQDN (full qualified domain name) which can be anything you like.

    Open your hosts file and add the following line:   wpmu263.local

    Note that the domain name must match whatever you put in the virtualhost section in your httpd.conf file.

    Restart apache and (re)install WPMU as usual.


About this Topic

  • Started 16 years ago by NicholasF
  • Latest reply from wpandy