I have been looking up advice on adding a customized header in a wp.org blog. I can't seem to find the definitive answer. Can anyone tell me how to place a graphic into the header when there is not button to select to do so? Thank you!
I have been looking up advice on adding a customized header in a wp.org blog. I can't seem to find the definitive answer. Can anyone tell me how to place a graphic into the header when there is not button to select to do so? Thank you!
Since you reference a wp.org blog, visit the WordPress support forums.
Although your post title says mu.
So um, which one is it, as you list 2 different programs?
Thinking back on this, if you're looking to add the custom header functionality to a theme, it's been discussed and documented already. A quick search should turn it up.
If on the other hand you're looking for HTML lessons, that's not quite what we're here for.
We have Wordpress MU 1.3 (shows what I know - I thought that was the same as WP.org!). I have actually searched quite a lot to find the definitive answer on adding a custom header to our blog but I have found many answers and they seem quite complicated. If you would kindly point me to the exact URL in the docs that list the steps/procedure on adding a custom header to a blog template that does not have a button to click for easy uploading up a graphic to a header I would appreciate it. Thank you.
Btw, I should mention that the template we are using for our blog is:
WordPress mu Default 1.6 by Michael Heilemann
if that helps. Thanks again!
If it doesn't have a button for uploading a custom graphic, then you will have to look in the source files for the theme - look in the css or html files to see what image it is loading as the header and /or look in the images directory for the theme and see if you can see an image file that looks like the header.
Once you have found that file - you will need to upload it to a graphics package to edit it, or get it's dimensions and replace it with the header graphic you want.
The new header must be the same dimensions as the original (unless you are also editing the css style sheet, etc.. to compensate for a a larger or smaller header) or the theme will look strange.
Since you are still on 1.3 I can offer that the wpmudev.org site, in the plugins section, does have quite a few tools that will do exactly what you want.
I have used the tools there to modify the both the back and front ends of our MU sites quite extensively.
Several of the posters here also have projects there so you know you can probably get more help on specifics if you need them.
Thank you for the information. I just went to the site you recommended: wpmudev.org and I looked at the list of plugins. Can you tell me the name of the one that you think will allow me to add a custom header to my blog? It didn't jump out at me so I'm not sure what to use. Thanks again.
It;s not available asd a plugin. it's code that needs to be added to the theme's functions file. It's pretty much standard WP-themeing stuff.
And doesn't the theme default have that option already? I do know that the default has the theme header images hard-coded in the header.php file.
hauserj: specifically I was referring to http://wpmudevorg.wordpress.com/project/Global-Theme-Options
I also use xsnp Mu extensions such as Admin toolbar, Global page footer, as well as some of Farm's theme packs which are really cool.
If you have an install that works, but without a lot of users, or you have an install that you can test plugins on your own, then I suggest you try all of the downloads and use the ones that work for you.
You can find some real jems in there is you look.
@ BondageRadio
Can you be more specific about these?
I also use xsnp Mu extensions such as Admin toolbar, Global page footer, as well as some of Farm's theme packs which are really cool.
I like to consider myself "in the know", but I don't know what you mean by "xsnp MU extensions". Are these plugins?
Thanks for any clarification you can provide:)
yes, the xsnp extensions are a group of plugins designed by a guy who's nickname starts with X (Xeno or something?)
anyway... I found his plugins on wpmudev.org and now use them quite extensively.
Thanks for clarifying, although I did a quick search for global page footer and didn't find it. I'll look further later, I'm off for the weekend!
The xnsp plugisn don't do anything to change headers though. (yes, I use it on one of my setups. :) )