In an attempt to fix my problem, found here,
i deactivated the blog in hopes i could reactivate the same blog. But that does not appear to be an option. What i was trying to do was "rebuild" the blog in question. Is there anyway to "reactivate" a deactivated blog?
Posted 16 years ago #
Manually through the database would work.
I must be misunderstanding something here. I see a "Activate" link associated with a deactivated blog when I'm looking at the Site Admin -> Blogs page.
A quick test shows that it works fine.
Posted 16 years ago #
I was thinking of "user has elected to delete".
Sorry, i could have sworn i clicked away from that page and then clicked back and still saw "deactivate" and not "activate" but now, i see activate. My problem still exists as far as not being able to see my blog. If i need to backup just my blog info in the DB, is that possible?
Thru phpmyadmin? Yeah. Just select that blog's tables in the export area.
Well, now all blogs are broke :)
I backed up the muwp files and copied new muwp files into webroot and try to re-install.....Blank pages on all blogs now. Even tried a new DB, same problem. Where to go from here?
Admin area of blogs work but not the blogs. LOL, this is crazy but the main blog now works but no others. Get this on other blogs:
No WPMU site defined on this host. If you are the owner of this site, please check Debugging WPMU for further assistance
Posted 16 years ago #
No WPMU site defined on this host.
A problem with a site_id, the wp_sites table, and mixed domains can cause that.
Hi again carnold:
is that site still giving you headaches?
If you still have issues either with the forum plugin or with wpmu, you know you can still get a hold of me.