The MU forums have moved to

National Virtual Memorial (8 posts)

  1. kevvin
    Posted 16 years ago #

    The National Virtual Memorial is finally up and running:

    We wanted to have it up in time for Memorial Day, and have started doing a pile of press to get the thing launched. Basically I created one blog for every KIA since the beginning of "The War On Terror" in 2001 - that's 4561 blogs so far - and with help from some folks in Washington and elsewhere, we're starting to make contact with the families of the dead so that we can email them usernames and passwords and have THEM take over the administration of their particular hero's blog.

    Thanks to everybody who has helped me get the thing finished, even though sometimes I ask *really* stupid questions.

  2. andrea_r
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Nice work, my friend.

  3. kevvin
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Thank you. Much appreciated.

    I invite any of the MU people who are both more experience and intelligent than I to weigh in with their $0.02 about what I can/should do to make this thing better.

    Although I have both Bad Behavior and Monty installed, I'm scared. Even though the site is apolitical, I'm worried that it's about to become a target.

  4. BondageRadio
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Wonderful site.

    I will be posting links in all of the blogs I own and also in all of the Vets sites that I'm a member of.

    Just praying that none of my younger brothers show up on your site, my youngest brother just got rotated back for his third tour.

  5. awarner20
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Great project, really nice. My only suggestion is to change the browser favicon from the default MU to something more suitable...a small flag perhaps?

  6. kevvin
    Posted 16 years ago #

    @Bondage: I second that prayer. And I do so daily. When Outlook makes its "New Mail" noise to signal I got something new from the Pentagon, I get a sick feeling in my stomach.

    @awarner: What a great idea. I'm smacking myself for not having done that sooner. I might go with a gold star, as that signifies military deaths (and is the name of my foundation, too...)

    Thanks again, everybody.

  7. BondageRadio
    Posted 16 years ago #

    From The National Virtual Memorial Site:

    Coming Soon: Member Forums
    May 23rd, 2008 Posted in Announcements

    We are currently evaluating several options when it comes to the question, “What feature do we add next?” Among them is a user forum. Not for public consumption, the forum would be available ONLY to those members of the National Virtual Memorial site who had access to edit someone’s memorial - in other words, the only ones who could see forum posts and participate on the message boards would be family members of the heroes we memorialize on this site.

    If you have thoughts about this idea either pro or con, by all means let us know.

    I know of only one Forum that is designed specifically to work in a WPMU environment and will allow for the privacy you state in your post, without having to have a PHD in computer science to integrate it with your site.

    Simple:Press Forum from YellowSwordfish. link to the home page

    I am part of the development team, specifically responsible for WPMU testing. If you have any questions I'm sure we can give you sufficient help and advice.

  8. kevvin
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Funny you mention that.
    I installed SPF earlier in the week, but couldn't figure out how to make one site-wide forum.

    I don't want the users to have their OWN forums, I want one forum that's the same for everybody.

    ...but like I think I mentioned before, I ain't the sharpest knife in the drawer sometimes.

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