Ok... I'm sorry to all the people out there who love to complain about how this is broken and/or that is broken... I'm guilty of the same conduct myself...
But lets take a really good look at what has been done right in this latest release of WPMU.
1) It's free... that alone should shut the nay sayers up in their tracks. The php scripts here are the sum total of hundreds of thousands of man hours in heavy duty scripting. More work than any one person should have to 'DONATE' for a community who's secondary occupations are to complain.
2) It's Fast and it's HOT and even in it's most BASIC form, it WORKS. Think about it, we complain about how this is broken or that doesn't look right.. the only reason you can pick out these tarnished jewels is because the rest of it WORKS WELL.
3) The Man works ALONE... yes, he has his family... (And congrats on the new baby if I haven't mentioned it already) But lets face it, there is no team of developers just down the hall to throw troubled code at, and expect results by mid afternoon.
That's not all... nor is it all I'm going to praise... but I am going to suggest that others post here, their favorite feature or some other POSITIVE note about WPMU and the work going on in here, as a break from all the negative we see in all the other parts of the forums.