I have released a new plugin I wrote to allow me to easily manage a message to my users at the top of the admin panel. Before I had to edit a file now this uses the db and provides an interface to change the message. Fully supports HTML. Is managed from Site Admin->Admin Message
Download it and my other plugins from http://dailytestimony.net/plugins
Seems that I'm not the first to make something like this:
Although I don'tget why they would make it a premium plugin, unless it does alot more because the one I made is quite simple.
DailyTestimony, you've shared what I was looking for today, thanks.
Consider adding to your plugin under your add_action the following(WPMU1.5.1), and no more editing the core file
add_action('admin_notices', 'am_show_message');
That's a neat little trick. I honestly had no clue what the add_action() thing was all about, the other one was just from some code I copied from another plugin to get the admin page.
I updated the plugin. Download the new version from the same link as in my initial post.
Thanks for the code dsader!
Posted 16 years ago #
Does this work with the new wordpress version? Because i tried it out, but it died not work :(