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WPMU Blog named "blog" pulls main blog's pages (13 posts)

  1. temi2004
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I created a blog on my 1.5.1 subdirectory installation as and it always pulled the pages of the main blog instead of posts on its home page and also the admin tab never got selected.

    So i created another blog at and that worked perfectly like a wpmu blog is supposed to. I checked and "blog" wasnt in the list of Banned Names in my settings. SO why cant I create a blog with the path "/blog" ?

  2. lunabyte
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Because /blog signifies the main blogs path, categories, etc. Without it, in subdir mode, it would create too much overhead to determine what's what, etc.

    It's permanent, not going anywhere, etc.

  3. DailyTestimony
    Posted 16 years ago #

    the path /blog is the path to the admin blog in a directory setup. - would show the homepage - would show the admin blog

    It would be a good idea to ban the name blog if you are using a directory setup.

    EDIT: Darn, Lunabyte beat me to 10 whole seconds.

  4. temi2004
    Posted 16 years ago #

    so u guys are saying I have no hope of using /blog ? is there any way around it or hack I could try?

    its for a client, and since I want wordpress to power both the main company website and the company blog i just thought WPMU would be the best way to manage 2 wordpress installs in 1. i cant use the subdomain structure due to hosting restrictions (i just found this out after a week of battling with tech support).

    that sucks tho, sounds like a drupal limitation right there. i wouldn't have thought "almighty" wordpress would not be able able to do this

  5. temi2004
    Posted 16 years ago #

    also please tell me what u mean by "admin blog"? i dont mind if its the admin blog as long as it works. i am the admin and can have it 4 its not meant for multiple users/blogs. for all i know this will be the only blog created in this install.

  6. lunabyte
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Well, the "almighty" wordpress obviously is a little smarter than you, eh? Guess you didn't read where I said that without that, the system has no way to distinguish between a category on the main blog, and a username in subdirectory mode.

    Every hit would have to not only query the main sites tables first, but then continue on with everything else.

    So, to make it more efficient and reduce overhead, /blog is where the main sites blog resides.

    You say you want a blog at /blog. OK, and the problem is? I mean, duh, that's what it is. It's a blog. If you can't make it work, then you're being very creative.

    Admin blog = Main site = root mu = blog id 1...

    And honestly, MU is overkill for 2 blogs. It's made for hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands...

    It also has other things built into it which I'm sure you'll not bother to read or look into first, which you'll probably come back here and smack up the kind people who have busted their chops to give you this for free.

    This isn't drupal, or the almighty anything.

    Your best bet: Run, don't walk, to Your "client" may not know it yet, but they'll thank you in the long run.

  7. temi2004
    Posted 16 years ago #

    i fully understand wordpress mu and all the capabilities it has. i have other wpmu installations that have hundreds of users, i just wanted to create a way for my client to be able to manage his website (wordpress) and his blog (wordpress) without having to login in two different locations each time.

    i did read your previous post, but it didnt exactly explain much saying "it would create too much overhead to determine what's what". now that u explained better it makes sense. but how come and dont show the same thing?

    did u say wordpress is smarter than me? we dont have to get disrespectful here. u dont have to take offense if i expected anything of wordpress, i respect it and all the hard work put into it. i called it almighty out of respect not mocking it. i use wordpress for all my sites and i have a pretty good idea what it can do. ive also done some very intense wordpress customization and will contribute to wordpress if i could

    ill probably just find another path for the blog (not /blog) to use and im definitely not running or walking to

  8. lunabyte
    Posted 16 years ago #

    "i use wordpress for all my sites and i have a pretty good idea what it can do"

    Obviously not, else you would know how the templates within a theme could easily remedy your situation.

    Yet, I guess that's not the case, eh?


  9. andrea_r
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Um, yeah. If you want with a, single WP will do it.

  10. temi2004
    Posted 16 years ago #

    lunabyte u have a really bad attitude here. u can give help to people if u can, but dont demean or belittle anyone cos ure some wordpress god or anything. u also learnt all what u know now over time.

    when u browse on wordpress setup as a website cms (not a blog) u get a loop of all pages with the most recent first. how can i change this in my template (index.php or whatever other file). please remember what im after is (main company website) and (company blog). any help from someone with enough patience will be appreciated.

    lunabyte if only u could be kind/reasonable enough to explain these things u keep saying rather than look down on others, it would be very much appreciated. i dont think that's the right attitude for open source forum help. if u cant stand pple who dont know then dont post! pple obviously come here cos they need help, not to be told how stupid they are. wordpress will never have gotten so big if all the pple offering free forum support had your attitude

  11. andrea_r
    Posted 16 years ago #

    In the case of MU in subdirecotry mode, and are the same blog, the main one that belongs to the site admin. The /blog/ has to be there for archival purposes, so the posts have a proper permalink.

    you can use the theme templates to put whatever you want at by calling it home.php.

    You know, the reason you're getting attitude is because you're asking a really basic question for someone that has said they know a lot about WP/WPMU.

  12. temi2004
    Posted 16 years ago #

    i was getting attitude even before i said that.

    i use WP/WPMU a lot doesn't mean I know it all. this is my first time of using it for the subdirectory structure. ive done subdomains and even domain mapping before.

  13. thelaw
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Temi - I feel your pain. I was trying to run a site with multiple blogs (much easier than multiple WP installs and it also is a unified login for all users) and one for the standard which is customary on most web sites. Incredibly, I just found out from your post that MU apparently doesn't allow you to create a blog named "blog". Took me several hours and lots of pain wondering what I must have done to create this problem. I'm not quite sure what to do since having to install WP regular just to create a blog called "blog" seems ridiculous. Were you ever able to bypass this? I don't think it's possible...

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