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how to control plugins on per-blog basis? (18 posts)

  1. domaingu
    Posted 16 years ago #


    We are running about 20 different blogs from a new mu installation, and need to activate / deactivate plugins on a per-blog basis. In the faq

    it says you can do it, but ... all we ever see after installing the plugin is that can be controlled by the root blog. None of the blogs you create afterwards have a manage item for plugin. So how do you activate/deactivate plugins for each of our blogs?

    Please help :)


  2. demonicume
    Posted 16 years ago #

    search "plugin commander". that'll get ya started

  3. andrea_r
    Posted 16 years ago #

    "None of the blogs you create afterwards have a manage item for plugin. "

    Go to Site Admin -> Options. Scroll down. See the box that says "PLugins - enable plugins menu on all blogs"? Check it. Save.

    Then the plugins menu shows up on the sub-blogs.

  4. domaingu
    Posted 16 years ago #

    yes, that box is checked. but no, we don't get any plugin menus showing on the sub-blogs unfortunately ...

  5. andrea_r
    Posted 16 years ago #

    What version of MU are you using? The latest with the new admin area?
    what menu items do you see on the far right?
    Also, what plugins do you have installed? especially in the mu-plugins folder...

  6. MrBrian
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Actually with plugin commander, the Plugins menu shows up under "Manage".

  7. domaingu
    Posted 16 years ago #

    the problem i am getting is that even after installing plugin commander, i still find no way of controlling sub-blog plugins individually .... sure there is the plugin commander "manage plugins" link in the manage menu for the root, but even when I set plugins to user control, i still never see anything to control them individually.

    the key line is "When user control is enabled for a plugin, all users will be able to activate/deactivate the plugin through the Manage->Plugins menu."

    but how? I still don't understand. for sub-blogs, there is no manage->plugins menu, there is just
    * Posts
    * Pages
    * Links
    * Categories
    * Tags
    * Media Library
    * Import
    * Export

    should i be seeing a "plugins" menu item here, when i am logged into the sub-blog? and if so, is that when i am logged in as admin, or just as the blog editor or lower ....

    any help appreciated, still can't find how to get this to work.


    p.s. just an update, the only thing that worked for me with plugin commander was hitting the "activate all" button when i just had two blogs - then the plugins appeared on the sub-blogs. But i don't want to activate-all, that is a nightmare, i need to able to activate selectively and that is still something i haven't been able to fathom.

  8. demonicume
    Posted 16 years ago #

    if you wanna manage plugins on a per blog basis, you're gonna have to backend the blogs one at a time.

  9. andrea_r
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Either something's wrong with your setup, or there's a menu item you're not seeing.

    Turn off the plugin commander, just to humor me.
    Go to Site Admin -> Options and make sue the "enable plugins" box is checked.
    Go to the backend of a sub-blog (you can do this as site admin).
    Plugins should be a top-level menu item. In 1.5.1, it is over on the right near the Site Admin menu link.

    Feel free to post a screenshot even.

  10. sumdog
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Got an answer for you. If you're like me you've got multiple sites each with a single blog. Check your wp_sitemeta table for the key menu_items. Make sure for your other sites it is set to the following:


  11. jacco
    Posted 16 years ago #

    > Make sure for your other sites it is set to the following: a:1:{s:7:"plugins";s:1:"1";}

    I have that line on my wp_sitemeta > meta_value

    But I am not sure my "other sites" have it as well. How to find out?

  12. james4cees
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I would like to thank everyone on this post it helped me to arrange the control on the plugins... WPMU 2.7 Buddypress BBpress build... Am now transferring lots of blogs ....:-)

  13. macworkshop
    Posted 16 years ago #


    I had an oddity while using Plugin Commander - line 34:


    Why it was set to show under edit.php ("Posts" menu), I don't know. I changed it to:


    And it now shows under the "Settings" menu (which is where I want it for my users).

  14. Ovidiu
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I have set it to show udner the Tools menu, but to be honest, I am not happy with either solution :-(

    any chance to get it to actually replace the original plugins menu?

  15. macworkshop
    Posted 16 years ago #

    That would be ideal, yes. I might have a further play this weekend...

  16. PerS
    Posted 16 years ago #

    If you can wait, the WPMU will soon have site wide plugin support

  17. Ovidiu
    Posted 16 years ago #

    now thats ground-breaking news :-) thx for posting it here :-)

  18. macworkshop
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Awesome. :o)

About this Topic

  • Started 16 years ago by domaingu
  • Latest reply from macworkshop