I've upgraded and run the upgrade utility and its now throwing errors like
WordPress database error Table 'canalblogs.wp_3_post2cat' doesn't exist for query SELECT p2c.category_id AS cat_id, COUNT(p2c.rel_id) AS numposts,'
<code>WordPress database error Table 'canalblogs.wp_1_categories' doesn't exist for query SELECT * from wp_1_categories WHERE category_count > 0</code>
And the tables don't exist in the database
Posted 16 years ago #
Looks like a plugin using depreciated functions/variables.
Yep, that'd be my guess, a plugin looking for the old categories table.
Turn off some plugins and see what happens. Might have to take some out of the mu-plugins folder depending what you have in there.
Its all very odd I've gone through every option and plug in and I can't find it and actually searching for text in the files doens't show anything.
Its been one of those days
Posted 16 years ago #
Did you take the old site category plugin and stuff out of mu-plugins?
That was a "upgrading to 1.3" kinda step.
Those were all moved into one of the mu files.
As far as I can see and as I say it all seems to have stopped. I'm trying to remember what I was doing round that time. I might have been playing with the cache configuration but....
"Did you take the old site category plugin and stuff out of mu-plugins?
That was a "upgrading to 1.3" kinda step.
Those were all moved into one of the mu files. "
Yeah, but if there were left behind, he'd have a WSOD.
Posted 16 years ago #
And I feel like a complete idiot as its a chunk of my own code that I thought I'd got rid of. Was searching an archived copy of my code on my Windows Laptop and its decided not to search php files which is why I couldn't find it!