I came across a site Mobiforumz.com which is powered by wordpressMU. I saw that one publisher in the mobiforums is publishing all copyrighted content including mine from bloggers.com and wordpress.com as his own and is also earning money on it through ads by google.
The publisher has made a splog of my blog in the mobiforumz and has named it chutkibharpyar.mobiforumz.com in comparision to my original chutkibharpyar.blogspot.com.
It is a word to word and picture to picture backup of my blog.
It is a violation of the copyright act. There are many more blogs like that whis he is splogging.
The mobiforumz is not having any help or any other way to contact them to let them know about this. Hence I had to contact here and let u guide me how I can stop this.
Mobiforumz.com is hosted with theplanet.com. (Why doesn't that surprise me.) Please direct your complaints towards them.
You may want to research on how to file a DMCA complaint as that'll be your next course of action.
So note though that theplanet is considered to be a black hole by some when it comes to dealing with complaints.
Good luck
I did a whois search on mobiforumz.com, they used private registeration, but you can report them at http://privacyprotect.org/
Privacy Protect provides them with a private registeration, you show them the copyright violations, they will provide you will the owners contact details.
There is nothing we can do, if they don't do anything you should consult a copyright attorney for further assistance.
As he's stealing your posts, you may want to write a couple stating so, and then they'll show up on his site. :)
May also want to look into plugins that input the scrapers ip address into the rss feed so you can figure out where they're coming from and ban the address.
edit: Although chances are it's the same address that site is on. You may want to review your server logs to see if the address is present.
A site to review: http://plagerismtoday.com
Along the same lines as andrea_r, create a signature plugin that ties into the content filter(and RSS) that contains a link to your original Copy Protected products. Any link generated on your "fan" site drives traffic back to your own.
A quick search I found http://www.smackfoo.com/plugins/sig2feed
Posted 16 years ago #
Posted 16 years ago #
Also, if he has Google ads on his site (specifically on any pages that contain your content) then contact Google and his account should (may) be closed down.