If you visit this page; http://boonika.net/page-example/ using IE7 you'll notice a strange behavior when going over navigation bar with your mouse. When there's a lot of content Page resizes to its min-height (840px) size. Same happens with archive.php; http://boonika.net/category/category1/ and all other pages. I wasted two days trying to solve this one. Please help.
Wierd, works fine for me with ie7.
Hmmm... didn't you notice that footer jumps about 30px up when you go over navigation bar?
Does anyone else see that behavior I described in first post? Thanks.
Hmm it doesn't always do it, but I did get it to do it.
Yes, it happens when You go over navbar and it corrects itself when you go over sidebar links. Don't know how to solve this one.
I think that it could have something to do with Smooth Gallery which I've placed inside header.php: http://boonika.net
Still no luck with this... I'm borring, I know. "Basic php (or css)" lunabyte would say:)
Posted 16 years ago #
Well, there are TONS of resources out there for that. Why clutter up these forums with it?
Next thing you know, it the wp.org forums... ::)
Well it's valid, I'll give ya that. :D