When people make comments in my blog.
How do i get a "comment author" picture there??
i surf all over and most blogs has it.
where do i get it?
When people make comments in my blog.
How do i get a "comment author" picture there??
i surf all over and most blogs has it.
where do i get it?
Gravatars is what they're called.
And I think they are part of the standard code base now?
Think so. Might have to add something to the template, although maybe not - unless it's a really old template.
Hmmm, I bet the codex would have a TON of info about this...
Yes, gravatar support is included in the WP core since v2.5 of WordPress and v1.5 of WordPress MU.
The theme you are using needs to have been updated for this to work.
There is also a Gravatar plugin for older versions of WordPress.
There used to be a sticky on the wp.org forums about this but it's no longer there.
oj i found the gravtara plug in
cant activate it tho
says fatal error
i use wpmu 1.5.1
so if it is standard wehere do u administrate this thing?
cant find it
Scroll down.
If you're using wpmu 1,.5.1 you don't need a plugin, which is why you got the fatal error.
yes i am an idiot....1.3.3 is what i have
hey thax for support tho :)
ok next dumb question :)
i upgraded site
i can see where i accept gravatars in comments
but were the heck do i (or users) select whata grawatar they wanna have??
GRAVATARS.COM. Like it says right on the page.
otherwise you'll need an avatar plugin if you want to handle it within your site.