I was contacted by a client who's father just passed away. She's interested in creating a multi-user blog where friends and family can post. I've never set something like this up, but surely I'm not the first. I did a quick search, but found no "In Loving Memory" or "Memorial" templates.
Can someone please point me in the right direction?
I'm not even sure if the wordpress mu platform is the best to use for this.
Thanks for your help.
Posted 16 years ago #
You probably just want normal wordpress and have the family members be blog editors so they can post. There are a LOT of wordpress themes out there (just google "wordpress themes"), but if you can't find a good one you could get it custom developed on a site like rentacoder.com for a few hundred bucks.
Posted 16 years ago #
Google in memoriam template theme.
Here is one for WordPress.
You might consider a lightweight discussion board with easy to customize themes.