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Logout link not working? (15 posts)

  1. maxius
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Is this a bug, or perhaps i'm not doing something right. But here's what I did:

    I logged in to a test blog I made, ie, but I logged in from the main site, ie It redirects me to fine, but the logout button on doesn't work, unless I run the link from without the 'test' in front of it.

    I assume it's setting the cookie on the parent, then redirecting to the subdomain, hence why it can't clear the cookie when you try and log out of the subdomain..

    Lost yet?

  2. ergate
    Posted 18 years ago #

    What browser are you useing?

    Sometimes I get some funny, not easily repetable, cookie problems with FF on Mac OS-X. But whatever my login-logout problems are, I can usually resolve them by logging out of everything from that domain that I am logged into.

    I usually get myself into login-logout problems becuase I login to one, open another tab to view the site, then login to another, another tab, go back to original, go to admin from the viewing page, then open anothe tab. Before I know it I have a dozend tabs and different blogs open and I just have to back out of them all to get things sorted out.

  3. maxius
    Posted 18 years ago #

    You've missed what i'm saying...
    I'll break it down. -> Click "Login" link.

    This takes me to

    I log in using the login of a sub-blog I created, called "test".

    Type in login name/password.

    I get redirected to

    No matter how many times you click it, the "Logout" link - does not log you out.

    Only if you manually type will the system log you off.

  4. shredder
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I've seen the same as maxius.

    Clearing cookies/all offline content didn't solve the problem either.

    I was able to solve it by closing my browser, I'm using Avant (IE engine), and opening it again. Don't know why it should resolve by closing then re-opening my browser but there it is.

    I've just had it happen again; this time I can confirm that I had two 'admin' windows open; one for the main site backend, and one for my own test blog. It was the test blog that I wanted to close; nope, it just looped around.

    For some reason I thought I'd log out of the main site admin backend first, then my test blog; this time it worked.

  5. samchng
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I have the same problem as maxius. Tried changing wp-login.php to no avail. Doug can you help us out? Thanks :)

  6. eyespark
    Posted 18 years ago #

    Yup, same here. Logout is not working.

  7. maxius
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I think closing the browser ends the session, which is why that works.

    But the problem most likely lies in that the session is being created before redirecting to the user's blog address, hence that session it's trying to logout from, doesn't exist.

  8. maxius
    Posted 18 years ago #

    It'd be good if the developers would comment on if they're looking into or fixing bugs the users find..

  9. shredder
    Posted 18 years ago #

    You guys who're still reporting this problem, are you logged into more than one account? Have you tried the log-out sequence I mention above:

    For some reason I thought I'd log out of the main site admin backend first, then my test blog; this time it worked.

    It may be related, especially if you select "remember me" when you log in? I've not had it since I reported the above.

  10. maxius
    Posted 18 years ago #

    I don't tick the 'remember me' and i'm not logged into the admin account.

    This is to do with when a user logs in at the MAIN site page, MU sets the session, then redirects the user to their own blog. Then they can't log out, coz the session technically isn't for their domain.

    Try doing exactly what I said above, and you'll see it.

  11. drmike
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Having the same issue as well. I'm currently signed into a test blog and am trying to get over to the main backend to figure something out. I can't get rid of the test account signin though. Cleared cookies as well. Tries the Sign out link within the dashboard and the logout link on the test site home page. Lots of fun. :)

    (Hmm, how did I get an account over here?...)

  12. swordture
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I have the same problem for a long time in the IE.

    Last day, I logging in the FireFox Explorer,the logout and login work! And then I clear the cookie of the IE, for a short time, I cannot logout. However, After for a while, I try again. It is working in my IE.

    It is really rather strange. I don't know why.

  13. rlwpub
    Posted 17 years ago #

    You can click the log out link unitl you are blue in the face and it will not log you out.

    It's a bug.

    Hopefully it will be fixed in a future release.


  14. drmike
    Posted 17 years ago #

    I don't see it in the trac though. I'll add it in later today when I have the time.

  15. drmike
    Posted 17 years ago #

    Strange. Works fine for me this morning.

    edit: Never mind. Still broken. Worked once though.

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