Posted 16 years ago #
Hello, everyone.
I'm fairly fresh user of Wordpress MU and I have a question regarding mysql database.
Is it possible in any way to backup a database for a single blog?
I.e. I'm writting blog on and I'd like to backup info only for my own blog (posts, settings, etc etc) not for the rest of blogs opened on "". Is it possible to do it? I.ex. If I'd want to move from current host ( to my own domain.
Hopefully you'll understand my question, thanks for replies and help.
Oh, of course it's possible. All sub-blogs have the ID number as part of the prefix. just backup the tables with your blog's id number.
In phpmyadmin it's really easy. Under Export, it gives a list of tables, by default they are all selected. Just ctrl-click on the ones you want, hit the export button and there you go.
Posted 16 years ago #
If you want to move WPMU systems, you could export your blog, then import it on the new system. That is if I understand you and the import/export system correctly.