My users are testing out the password protected posts feature. Everything works as it should from their end, except when a visitor enters the password to view the entry. Then it redirects to mydomain.com/wp-pass/.
Any idea what's up and how I can fix it? My htaccess is pretty much the one generated on install.
Okee dokee, a bit more details just in case anyone can help.
Here's what's in the htacess:
RewriteRule ^([_0-9a-zA-Z-]+)/wp-pass.php(.*) /wp-inst/wp-pass.php [L]
Should pass straight through, right? Nope. When a user tries out the passworded post, it gets redirected to:
I'm sure it's just one teeny line that needs to be fixed. Help?
Just noting that I used ITDamager's htaccess fix (search thte forums if you need it) and that fixed it.