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[Q] Install Wordpress MU without using DNS Zone and httpd.conf (Wildcard) (1 post)

  1. Anonymous
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Good Day everyone...

    I have install WPMU in share hosting, so i don't have access to add support wildcard subdomain in dns zone (in whm) and httpd.conf.

    and than i try to add wildcard support in add subdomain section in cpanel.

    this is configuration i use
    Subdomains : *
    Root Domain :
    Document Root: /public_html/ (i use addon domain, so if using main domain gonna be /public_html)
    Redirection : not redirected

    everything work ok. except if i create new blog before create wildcard, that blog can't be open.

    this is what i mean,
    create support to wildcard in in add subdomain -> create blog1, blog2, blog3, blog4, all of them can open
    but if,
    create blog1 -> create support to wildcard in in add subdomain -> create blog2, blog3, blog4.
    every blog cretated can open, except blog1.

    main problem (at this time i know) using this way is when opening a non exist blog for example blog5 it wil redirect to main domain (it should go to sign up page right?)

    and another one is,
    are they (blog1,blog2,blog3,blog4) gonna be treat as duplicate, becouse actually in cpanel it's only one subdomain " * "

    i really want to using the way in WPMU manual and my hosting suport has been try the best thing he can do to help but it's always fail. so i try this way, even i don't know if it's ok or not.

    thank you everyone, for your time reading my sharing and my question and sorry for my bad english

About this Topic

  • Started 16 years ago by _dedy