I've tried to import a blog from wordpress.com. It worked like a charm ..
Except than this blog only accepts the default theme (tarski), and when I try to activate something else, the website is not displayed ... No error, nothing ..
How can I investigate this ?
Thanks for your help
"when I try to activate something else, the website is not displayed ... "
That means there's an error, they're suppressed. ANy plugins turned on in this blog?
No, i've disabled every plugin...
Posted 16 years ago #
Theme file permissions? Remote chance your host restored a group of accounts and some files have odd permissions (happens to me) FTP the files over again, check permissions...although, now that I type this, it does list "broken" themes...
But this happened only to this imported blog... All the other users can use other themes ..
Don;t know, but you could try the following:
- check out the exported file for any weird characters
- go to Site Admin -> Blogs, and click the "edit" link next to the blog in question. read over the fields and see if anything jumps out at you. Compare it to another blog if you have to.
Is it possible that it is due to many operations on the name of weblog that the author want (several deletions, etc.)
or because wordpress.com is running 2.6 and mine is still 1.5.1 ?
Could easily be both. :)
Remember 1.5.x is not that far behind 2.6, because there was a version number change.
I've also found moving stuff of wp.com to be iffy. It's like they never want you to leave.
*puts on tinfoil hat*
Pity from wordpress.com ..