Posted 16 years ago #
Hi all,
I just did an upgrade from 1.5 to 2.6... I'm currently having some problems with my redirection.
Let's say I have a site @ which loads just fine. Now, someone comes along and accidentally types ' . I would expect the 404.php's contents to show up as that blog does not exist. Yet for some strange reason, WPMU isn't redirecting URLs of blogs that do not exist to the 404.php. Only a blank page is shown when a wrong URL is entered. How do I get redirection working again?
Are you using a .htaccess file? If so, make a backup and then delete it. If your redirection works, then troubleshoot the .htaccess.
Also, you could try the following: Make up a fake post and set that as the post page. Go to Reading Settings>Front page displays(select static page)>Post page.
"Yet for some strange reason, WPMU isn't redirecting URLs of blogs that do not exist to the 404.php."
It doesn't. if a blog doesn't exists, it used to go to the signup page and now is supposed to go back to the main page.
might want to upgrade because I think that blank page was a bug that got fixed.