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Theme Question (4 posts)

  1. tdcaron1
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I'm using WPMU on a test website at

    I'm also allow Userthemes and have installed the Theme-editor.php from the latest version of Wordpress 2.6 and everything works fine. But here is my question.

    If they are using Userthemes are they editing the theme that is copied to there subdirectory or are they editing the original like in Wordpress.

    If this is the case, is there a way to disable that theme so another member can not choose that theme. Something along the lines of a Pop Up stating that that them is already being used, please choose another theme.

    I could upload the theme and change the name of the theme to include a one on the end of the file. but that would get rather cumbersome.

    Any suggestions.

  2. dsader
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Once a theme has been copied to the blogs.dir/blog_id/themes/ it can only be seen/edited by that blog_id

    The whole point of Userthemes is to allow editing of userthemes, not the system themes.

    You can still enable themes on a blog by blog basis by first disabling the theme at SiteAdmin-->Themes(a.k.a. site allowed themes) then assiging disabled themes to the blog at SiteAdmin-->Blogs-->Edit(a.k.a. blog allowed themes).

  3. bloggus
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Is it really wise to use Userthemes on WPMU?

  4. dsader
    Posted 16 years ago #

    No, not if you enable it for every jabroni that signs up.

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