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blog using templates from different theme (11 posts)

  1. displaced
    Posted 16 years ago #


    I've been trying to set up some templates for my site but they are not showing up in the drop down list. until i realized it was pulling the templates from a different theme. one i placed my templates into the other theme they showed up....

    Why is this and how can i change it

    I have played around with the options in

    Site Admin - Blog - Blog options (wp_1_options)

    but it has had no effect.

  2. andrea_r
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I have no idea what you mean by "drop down list". In the backend, there aren't any drop-downs for picking a theme.

    If your theme was missing template files, then either you missed something in the download / transfer, or there were theme instructions you forgot.

  3. displaced
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I was talking about the drop down list for selecting a custom template when writing a new page.

    So this drop down lust was showing two random templates that I hadn't created, I soon realized it was looking at the templates from the default theme not the one that I was activated.

    Has anyone had experience of this before?

  4. dsader
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I'm using WPMU2.6 and I can't reproduce this. Templates show as expected.

  5. displaced
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Oh cheers for checking it on WPMU2.6 also

    I totally think its some problem with my wordpressmu.

    Can the way i have set up my theme have any impact on where it looks for templates?

    also what does the options in the edit blog under site admin do.?

    where you can change the template and stylesheet.

    To me if i changed the template to a different theme name it would use the templates in that folder...but when i change it to something else my site just halts on a white page....(never seen that before...usually you get some sort of error).. just throwing ideas around to try and sort it out....cheers for your help..

  6. wehican
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Is this what you are referring to, the dropdown list for page template?

    "Some themes have custom templates you can use for certain pages that might have additional features or custom layouts. If so, you’ll see them above."

    That would require those templates be in your current theme?

  7. displaced
    Posted 16 years ago #

    yes i understand the concept of templates and have used them several times in standard wordpress. This is the first time im using MU.

    But what i am finding is my current theme that i have created in folder /themes/main_theme/ is actually using templates in /themes/default/ folder. and i confirmed this by adding additional templates in the default folder and they showed up in the template drop down list, even though its the main_theme that is currently running and active...

    I hope this makes sense, I wish i could upload some screen grabs to show you..

  8. dsader
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Are the theme names unique?


  9. displaced
    Posted 16 years ago #

    yes there are the three standard WordpressMU ones that install with it plus my own which is called T2_main_theme.

    I'll try and disable or delete all the other themes and see if that has any impact.

    any other suggestions.

  10. displaced
    Posted 16 years ago #

    ok I deleted the other themes.

    And copied my templates into my cirrent activated theme folder. And the whole template option in pages has disappeared.

    My templates are set up correctly with the headers

    Template Name: Gallery

    but they are not appearing.

    Im I doing somethign fundermentally wrong here. at the moment I have set up

    an index.php footer.php header.php and a gallery.php which is a template file then ive got my style.css


  11. displaced
    Posted 16 years ago #

    ok i got this working by using the name of the page as the name of the template.

    which is working for me. still not got the templates showing up in the new page dialog.

    as reference


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