Greetings All,
This question has been asked before but I found no solutions after lots of searching. (WPMU v2.6)
I have a now and a future desire to be able to add a new user to our small non-profit rare disease community by giving them a standard starting point for their blogs. We have one domain with all users on a subdomain of their choosing.
For Now, I'd like to take and existing blog that has an initial post, initial comment, initial about page, suite of enabled plugins, theme, widgets, widget configuration, links, and subscribers (I use Subscribe2) ... and make a copy of this blog with a new sub-domain, create a new user, and assign that user to the blog with editor privileges.
I do this manually now (procedure is at the bottom on this post). It takes 5+ minutes per blog to do even with an XML import. I only expect to have a couple of hundred blogs - it's really not the work that bothers me - it's the precision of doing all of the steps correctly/completely and the time delay for me to get it done - hours/days instead of seconds.
I'd like to have this all happen automatically.
My future wish is to integrate this into a PHP/mySQL registration database I have on the web where the user can, as part of the registration, ask for a blog. The blog would then be automatically created using the subdomain, name, and email provided as part of the registration.
It seems to me that all of a blog's data is stored in the SQL tables (except for the custom header photo). Is this task best taken on as a SQL table/record duplication and editing effort instead of trying to do it through the WPMU web interface and plugins?
Thanks in advance,
Here is the process I want to automate:
- Create (placeholder user)
- Create blog
- *
- * username’s Personal Page
- *
- Edit blog
- add username as type editor
- add myadminname as type administrator
- Manage -> Import -> WordPress -> XML file
- map to myadminuser
- import attachments – select download & import box
- New browser window & log into new blog
- Design -> Theme
- Select themename as theme
- Themename Options -> select About as Nav display
- Add custom image header
- PlugIn’s enable
- Countdown
- Antispam
- SMTP mailer
- Subscribe2
- Subscribe2 widget
- Design -> Widgets
- update message in Subscribe2
- update archive config (show count & drop down)
- recent comments
- links
- tags
- meta
- Manage -> Posts .. Make sure all is well
- Manage -> Links
- Delete two WordPress links
- Add my Foundation link
- Add categories
- foundation Links
- Favorites
- Friends & Family
- Foundation link should be “foundation links” only and “_blank”
- Manage -> Subscribers
- User -> username
- enter first name and last name of editor
- change Nickname to first name of editor
- enter editor’s actual email
- enter website as
- enter new password
- Change DisplayName to first name
- Manually prepare & send announcement email to editor (use my external mail application).