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regarding lighter menus plugin (18 posts)

  1. Ovidiu
    Posted 16 years ago #

    has anyone tried this plugin?
    I do have some issues with it. It seems to work perfectly, but when I click on DESIGN in the backend, it completely screws my design.
    Otherwise works fine.
    I am suspecting it might not like another active plugin, so maybe someone else can give it a try and let me know how it goes?

  2. boonika
    Posted 16 years ago #

    This one works better. Supports MU (as I remember). But I can't figure out how to remove Dashboard link.

  3. webmaestro
    Posted 16 years ago #

    This plugin places all of those menu items in a top menu bar, and if you've logged in and have the cookie set, you can even see it on the front-end:

    You'll need to check a box in the Settings > Admin Bar to have it work on the Admin side of things...

  4. boonika
    Posted 16 years ago #

    AMAZING PLUGIN. A M A Z I N G. But it'll need some modifications to run on MU. For example, as top admin I've hidden some menus on one of my users blogs. I've also turned 'backend' option ON. After that I've logged out and logged in as user of that blog. On front page, top-menu still shows hidden (disabled) menu items and all (listed by names) drop-down menu items. This is not the case when I'm register as admin. Also, for some reason, when logged in as blog owner, backend top-menu bar is disabled. Not the case when logged in as top admin.

  5. boonika
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Looks like, for the above mentioned functions to take effect, you have to enable/disable them when registered as a blog owner. That's silly. Also looks like (talking from my own experience) this plugin will get in 'fight' with dsader's Toggle Admin Menus. What's the point of hiding menus when blog owner always has access to modify plugin's options. Of course, this makes sense when you are admin of a single WP installation. But still, this plugin could be very useful. I would like to see dsader lays down his fingers on it.

    I've replaced all is_admin with is_site_admin and now (almost) all works as it should. Cheers:)

  6. boonika
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Ok, as I said, I've replaced all is_admin to is_site_admin except the one placed here:

    		if ( is_admin() ) {
    			echo '	<style type="text/css">#adminmenu, #sidemenu, #submenu';
    			if ( !file_exists( ABSPATH . 'wpmu-settings.php' ) ) echo ', #dashmenu';
    			echo ' { display: none; }</style>' . "\n";
    	// Generate and output the HTML for the admin menu
    	function OutputMenuBar() {

    Because if that one is also replaced, blog owner sees both; default admin menu and top (plugin) admin menu.

  7. mercime
    Posted 16 years ago #

    @Ovidiu: Lighter Admin Menus working well in WPMU 1.5.1 and working in WPMU 2.6 installs, no problems in Design view

    @boonika: thank you for sharing, will be testing this in a WPMU 2.6

  8. boonika
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Btw, those testings were made using WPMU 1.5.1

  9. Ovidiu
    Posted 16 years ago #

    ok, just upgraded to wpmu 2.6 and found out it was dsadder's plugin to give nice roll-over themes that was conflicting with the lighter menu's plugin.

    now I found other conflicting plugin: minimeta plugin, if I enable this plugin, my widget page breaks. so I stopped using this plugin as well.

    regarding the viperbond's admin bar, I can't use that one as it conflicts with the wpmu version you can find on wpmudev which also displays when user is not logged in.

  10. dsader
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Oiviiu, you've stumbled on a pet peeve of mine. Even my own plugins have lines to disable menus, Design menu in this case, tracking these conflicts down can be a pain. Dealing with all menu jiggering in one plugin is useful, but unlikely to produce a suitable output for everyone's installs.

    Sniff out and remove the code in each plugin that jiggers(unset) the menus, may be challenge ... but worth it.(and may not have side-effects on the plugin either).

  11. Ovidiu
    Posted 16 years ago #

    just to sum it up:

    Lightermenu's would be working fine if it wasn't for some plugins breaking it AND it does not work with IE6 which unfortunately is still widely used

    OZH's plugin works with IE6 as well but I found it breaks with IE7 when going to the manage post menu

    Viper's plugin is brilliant but has a long way to go to be wpmu compatible, plus it makes the simple and old wpmu of it that always shows that menu obsolete.

  12. boonika
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Hrm... I don't know, Viper's plugin works (with a few minor hacks) just fine on my 1.5.1 installation. Only 'problem' is that blog owner cannot see its menu when viewing other blogs.

  13. Ovidiu
    Posted 16 years ago #

    yes, but its still not good enough to replace this plugin: although its only missing minor things.

  14. boonika
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Does it show admin-bar in the backend?

    BTW, instead of lighter menu plugin I used to use Yellowswordfish drop down admin menu and never had any problems with it. I stoped using it cause author announced that he'll stop to develop it cause the Simple Forum plugin takes all his time. But I think that his plugin is still compatible with 2.6.

  15. Ovidiu
    Posted 16 years ago #

    the original, old admin bar I linked above, does one thing: it offers everybody, not only logged in users an admin bar (front end, no back end) links users to their respective dashboards, can be made to incorporate a link to a random blog.

    Vipers admin bar is beautiful, but it really needs adaptation to wpmu, i.e. all the features of the old plugin I just listed I'd like to keep and if it can be used in front end and back end that would be great.

  16. Viper007Bond
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Yeah, my plugin isn't fully designed for WPMU.

    Only 'problem' is that blog owner cannot see its menu when viewing other blogs.

    I have no clue how to do that as the user lacks access to the other blogs. I'm not too familiar with WPMU functions.

  17. dsader
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Boonika said "Does it show admin-bar in the backend?"

    I use with this added to code

    add_action('admin_footer', 'add_wpadminbar'); // if admin_head it shows up in add-media pop-ups

  18. boonika
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Thanks Dsader, I'll check that. But I must say that I'm really satisfied with Viper's plugin. Solution for seeing admin bar when viewing other blogs pages will come... it must:)

    Btw, download link for English version is dead.

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