my host is asking for exact syntax,
order of server alias entrys
iv asked them to setup wild card dns for me
please help
my host is asking for exact syntax,
order of server alias entrys
iv asked them to setup wild card dns for me
please help
can onyone help me?
This thread should help:
ok i found this sample ia the above ^ thread
what does my host need to kmow, all of it,prt of it
my website
im a newbie so i need someone to hold my hand threw this
ok<VirtualHost *:80>
# Temporary dns (wildcard)
ServerAlias *
Customlog /var/log/httpd/sample_access_log combined
Errorlog /var/log/httpd/samle_error_log
DocumentRoot /var/www/html/wpmu
<Directory /var/www/html/wpmu>
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
i feel like maybe my host is giving me the runaround?
should he already know this stuff or do i need to give him more info, all i asked is can you set up a wildcard dns
for a wordpressmu install!
he is asking for this
my host is asking for exact syntax,
order of server alias entrys
im just hanging on by a thread: ha
Yes, your host should know how to do this. That's really not a good sign.
Well i cant afford another at this time "host"
so i need to give him some info
I think he is expecting no reply because he dont realy
want to do this but if i give him what hes asking
I think he will do it
should i threaten to cancel my acount?
I'v only had it for 2 months
Just tell them you have to tell them to put it at the end? Though I don't remember where I got that from...
Copy-and-paste the post on the other thread into an e-mail and shoot it off to your host. It should be quite straight-forward.
Here's another one thread talking about ServerAlias and DNS Wildcards which you can try and make sense of.