Anyone knows any guestbook or commenting system that work with wpmu? Thanks!!
Anyone knows any guestbook or commenting system that work with wpmu? Thanks!!
You could quick and easily create a 'Page', title it 'Guestbook' and allow comments underneath it.
and add the direct weblink to the page in your sidebar or wherever you need the link to the guestbook page.
thanks HiMy, but I want it as a plugin...so all my users will have it automatically. DO u know of any plugin like that? Anyone? Thanks!!
I'm looking for this too... anyone that knows of some guestbook plugin?
That's quite a few of them for WP. Have you tried any of them?
nope.. I just searched the forum for a wmpu guestbook, this is the only thread I found... Haven't tried any wp guestbooks on wpmu...
The prior link suggested by andrea_r is down.
All of the GuestBook comments in the forum are more than a year old so I'll refresh this one.
I'm looking to build a guest book that has a traditional guestbook feel. A widget would be best so it can be on any template. Edit comments is not the same as "sign my guestbook" in the sidebar.
Any guest book creators or users out there?