I have my domain hosted on godaddy along with 5 other domains hosted on the same account. My primary is my root while my other domains I have pointed to sub-directories on Godaddy.
I have been having a big problem getting MU to run the way it is suppose to. I installed it off my root, /wpmu, as a subdirectory installation (couldn't get sub.domains to work, might be the same problem).
I can run my main domain/wpmu just fine. I can create additional 'bolgs' for that 'site' just fine. But when I wanted to host my other domains within MU I had to install the multi site plug-in. With it installed, I can setup my other domains just fine as 'sites'. What I can't do is create additional 'blogs' on my other domain sites. Keep in mind they are all hosted on the same shared hosting plan as my primary.
I can create a create a sub-domain on Godaddy and set it up as a 'site' using the plug-in for my other domains, but I can not create any additional 'blogs' for any other domain other than my primary domain, except for the default 'blog' setup when I create the individual 'sites'.
Is this just impossible to do with Godaddy? If I have other domains I host, do I always have to create a separate site for that domain? Why do I get 500 server errors when I try to create a blog from one of my other sites?
I hope this make sense. Thanks. 48 hours later and before I move too much further I figured I better ask.