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get_option() vs. get_blog_option() don't use same cache (3 posts)

  1. zappoman
    Posted 16 years ago #

    (Note: Donncha may want to look at this.)

    I've been debugging a problem the last couple days, related to getting blog options from blogs other than the current blog. (Imagine widgets that render content from other blogs.)

    What I noticed in debugging the code is that...

    $val = get_option('foo');

    ...will access the "options" cache group.

    While on the other hand...

    $val = get_blog_option(1,'foo');

    ...will read from "site-options" cache group.

    This seems like it could be a bug... as I assumed, and I think must plugin developers assumed that get_blog_option(1,'foo') would be the same as get_option('foo') from the blog_id=1 context.

    In the old old old code (1.0 and earlier) get_blog_option() in fact did this, it would do a switch_to_blog() and then get_option().

    As implemented today though, you could easily have someone setting/getting two different cache options that are out of sync.

    Is this a bug? Should I report this on Trac?

  2. MrBrian
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Very nice spot, that's a bug for sure. I would make a trac ticket.

  3. donncha
    Key Master
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I know about this and it's intentional. There were cache poisoning issues when I tried to use the same cache in get_option() and get_blog_option(). Please open a trac ticket so this problem can be tracked properly.

About this Topic

  • Started 16 years ago by zappoman
  • Latest reply from donncha