when i go to http://www.fearlessbloger.com
my wpmu looks realy odd after i had my host
settup wildcard dns,
and my admin page not working eather
any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!!
when i go to http://www.fearlessbloger.com
my wpmu looks realy odd after i had my host
settup wildcard dns,
and my admin page not working eather
any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!!
It looks like it is not reading the stylesheet, so I looked at the source of the page to find where it was, then when I hunted it down it said
"The requested URL /wpmu/wp-content/themes/home/style.css was not found on this server."
Which is really odd because it should be there.
EDIT: Ah, foudn out the issue - you'll have to edit your htacces so it recognizes both http://www.fearlessblogger.com AND fearlessblogger.com (no www).
not quite sure how to do this
and would that affect admin page also
That would probably help, yeah. Have you got a cpanel or something in the backend of your domain?
cpanel yes
Go into Cpanel, there should be a menu option there to edit the htaccess.
Add this to the file:
# Rewrite http://www.domain.com to domain.com
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.(.*)
RewriteRule ^(.*) http://%1/$1 [R,L]
Make sure you ADD it to the file, not replace. Save it. Go check on your site. Let us know if it works.
did not work
message: cpanel website does not exist
Well now it won't even find your site. ???
Were you able to make any changes at all, or you just couldn't get into the Cpanel?
yes i made the changes , hust didnt work
could my host have screwed up my wildcarddns settings
tgey were very reluctant
andrea r
very nice website by the way!
i think ill keep my eye on it, and believe my wife would appreciate it also.
Oh yeah, something there is screwed.
Glad you like my site 9linked on my name). It's just my regular blog, not my WPMU-powered one. That is at http://homeschooljournal.net.
is there any way for me to check vhost,or wildcard settings
from a hosted site with c panel?
I have a Cpanel with my sites, and myhosts had to do it. They have to do something with Apache. Is here any way you can get back into the Cpanel and edit the htaccess again?
yes , i have access to my c panel
just been to your wpmu site (wow)
in my dreams
This is a sample i give to my host to help set up
wildcard dns they asked for exact sytax
ok<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin server@sample.org
# Temporary dns (wildcard)
ServerName mu.sample.org
ServerAlias *.mu.sample.org
Customlog /var/log/httpd/sample_access_log combined
Errorlog /var/log/httpd/samle_error_log
DocumentRoot /var/www/html/wpmu
<Directory /var/www/html/wpmu>
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
so im still haveing problems with http://www.fearlessbloger.com
i think they (my host) got somthing wrong
any ideas!! anyone
Yeah, they did screw up. Either they have to get their act together or you'll need a new host. Man.