:-( but remember people, statpress doesn't track cached pages, i.e. if you're using wp super cache or anything similar.
:-( but remember people, statpress doesn't track cached pages, i.e. if you're using wp super cache or anything similar.
I believe you mean static cached pages. With wp super cache in half mode, they usually work fine. We're still using wp-shortstat without issue (as far as I can tell) with wp super cache in half mode.
I'm not sure if this is a bug or something I'm missing, but if I activate statpress site wide it doesn't show up on my users blogs? I like it so far and would like to offer it as a default plugin for people hosting under me but it would seem they have to activate it individually?
statpress table gets tooo large i think. 19mb now.
is there a plugin that sums up the pageviews and shrinks the DB ?
that would be nice.
statpress i nice but i want like the latest month with detailed and the last 3 years with just the number of visitors.
do you see where i am going?
Has anyone tried Google Analytics Dashboard?
(WP Plugin page)
Curious if it can be integrated in any useful way on WPMU...
I'm also looking for a very simple stats package for wpmu blog admins. Have those looking into this found a favorite yet?
I came across this very pretty, but abandoned, bit...
As a side note, I love http://haveamint.com/ for sitewide stats.
@amanzi "I wouldn't recommend copying my code because it could destroy your site and shut down your data center. But these are the changes I made anyway..."
That wins my Best Caveat Of The Month award!
With StatPress, is anyone else concerned by the upgrade process requiring going to each blog's dashboard and clicking a db upgrade script link? Doesn't seem like an ideal solution if you're hosting a lot of blogs.
Lol, yeah with a disclaimer like that, it sure makes me wish for a thumbs up icon for posts. :D
found another interesting plugin which seems to produce really nice graphs, but I can't activate it, gives an error, even on a simple wp installation :-( if you wanna give it a try: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/mystat/
I wrote a plugin called WelcomeToYourData to merge all my Google Analytics, Feedburner, WPSlimStat, and Google Reader data into one graph. I wouldn't say it's a version 1.0 yet, but it's a solid beta imo.
It works on WPMU, but there's no sitewide admin available. you'd have to configure it for each blog
plugin page: http://welcome.totheinter.net/welcome-to-your-data/
sample graph: http://welcome.totheinter.net/about/
Hope that helps!
I got recently Piwik Stats working with WPMU in a proper way. Piwik is installed in a own directory and could also be installed on a server of it's own. Works actually great! All I had to do is write my own code to create user/sites/ in Piwik on blog creation, and also deleting the data when deleting a blog.
Then to show the data nicely this plugin can give you a good idea what to do: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-piwik/
It works nice and it is nice to have something working outside WPMU, but on my server and linked to WPMU. At this moment I'm very happy.
how about sharing the code that generates user/sites in piwik on blog creation? that would be fantastic :-)
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