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Bulk import plugin needed... (4 posts)

  1. hempsworth
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I am developing a blog network for a High School, and they will be wanting to add and remove users each year. I'd like to be able to go to an admin page, and paste the following information into a text-box (each user on a new line):

    First Name, Surname, Username, Email
    First Name, Surname, Username, Email
    First Name, Surname, Username, Email

    and have the user created, with the first and last name saved, and an email sent to the supplied email address with a random password.

    And then an 'Add' button which would add those users to the system.

    It would also need a 'Delete' button so when they make a list of usernames (one each line), they could all be deleted at the same time (for when they graduate and leave the school.)

    It would need to check for duplicates and abandon adding that account, with a message at the end of the process saying 'Users X, Y and Z were not added because they already exist'. Likewise for deleting users, if the username doesn't exist it would say 'Users X, Y and Z were not deleted because they do not exist!'

    How would I go about making a plugin for this?
    Would anybody else find this plugin useful? Bulk importing of users for WPMU has been a bit of a dead end so far...

  2. hempsworth
    Posted 16 years ago #

    By the way, it's not absolutely necessary for the plugin to add the First and Last names, just the username and email address are required.

  3. dsader
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Does this still work? Code must have clues to suit your purposes. Comments are mixed that any have done it, though.

  4. hempsworth
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Thanks for the link, I'll check it out, but I doubt I'll be able to achieve much considering I'm such a PHP noob!

    Anybody seen other bulk user importing solutions?

About this Topic

  • Started 16 years ago by hempsworth
  • Latest reply from hempsworth