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Blogger Import not functioning (31 posts)

  1. Klark0
    Posted 15 years ago #

    When I try to import from Blogger, it freezes after the first post and the "Importing" button changes to "Set Authors". It just stays like that forever, and when you do click Set Authors the page goes to Author Mapping but it does not display the Blogger author(s). After clicking Save Changes, it sends you to Manage > Posts and nothing happens.

    I've tried everything:
    - Changed line 12 in wp-admin/import/blogger.php to http from https.
    - Changed to as suggested by many.
    - Disabled the firewall on my server (port 443 is open both ways)
    - Updated Cpanel/WHM
    - had apache/php recompiled and ensured SSL is included.

    None of that helped. The only that changed is that when I disabled the firewall, the Blogger blog's Title appearred in the import tool ..whereas previously it didn't. But the first post still freezes.

    Anybody encountered issues like this ? How did you fix your setup to allow it ?

  2. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago #

    It *was* working, I know that.

    Any error in the logs?
    Also, how big is the blogger account you're trying to import?

  3. Klark0
    Posted 15 years ago #

    It was working for you ? On your setup ?

    No errors in the logs.
    I'm trying several blogger accounts ranging from between actual blogs with 500 posts to test blogs with just 1 and 2 posts.

  4. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Haven't tried it lately, but on an older setup, I KNOW it was working.

    I have seen some threads in recent times, but I don't know if anything changed on MU's end or Blogger's. :-/

  5. Klark0
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Just checked my spy accounts on Edublogs and's working there.

    Server admins from my host were looking at it. They understand the problem and they say there's nothing on my server that could interfere with this "Must be a problem with Wordpress or Google" they say.

    This sucks ....I got a growing list of users waiting to import their blog. :(

  6. webmaestro
    Posted 15 years ago #

    A quick check found these tidbits (which might not help in this situation, but may help others):

    Of course, there's always the 'solution' of using as a go-between, as outlined in these steps.

    One last note (that I don't think will help, but may help others). The WPMU code may be fine, but the server it's running on may not be able to connect to the blogger servers because either:

    • the server may be behind a firewall & external access outside its network may be restricted
    • the Apache httpd binaries may not have been compiled with mod_ssl, so it can't connect via SSL. You can check this typing <?php phpinfo(); ?> into a new 'checkme.php' file, and loading IMPORTANT: Don't forget to delete it after you're done, as it's a security risk!

    If this is a problem with WPMU, it'd be great to get it fixed, as I'm sure many of us have users who want to migrate their blogs to our servers...

    I hope this helps!

  7. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Heh.. spy accounts... (has one too...)

    that is weird. I recently had issues importing WP-WPMU and had trouble with the file sizes, which I think MU should override if it's an import.

    maybe a memory issue? what build are you on? I might be able to check one of my dev installs.

  8. Klark0
    Posted 15 years ago #

    spy accounts ..don't we all have them ?
    I suspect I got about a dozen of them of my MU right now :D

    @webmaestro - Thanks. I did the first fix already. But I didnt consider it might be a browser issue. I'll test again in about an hour on different clients/browsers and let you know.

    And I'd rather not send users to This needs to be easy / hassle-free. 95% of my users are internet noobs.

  9. slasherkill
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I have the same problem with my blog.

  10. Klark0
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Well i've been doing further testing..
    I get the same issue across different browsers and systems.

    Can someone with an older version of MU test ? I'm running 2.6.1!

  11. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Well that was interesting...

    I have a 1.5.1 install to play with . The Blogger import goes through the motions, seemingly grabs everything just fine.

    Does not import a THING.

    In other words, it looks like it's working, but it doesn't.

  12. Klark0
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I did an install of the Single User Wordpress on my server. Same problem.

    By deduction, can we safely say this is a problem with the import tool, and not google or our hosting environ since it works on edublogs & ?

  13. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago #


    Check single WP trac tickets too, see if others have the same issue.

  14. Klark0
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Thinking about trying this plugin that uses Blogger RSS feeds:

  15. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago #

    That looks handy.

  16. tarmentano
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I'm experiencing a similar issue in that wpmu is importing 50 posts and 50 comments and stops well short of the 100+ posts it should be importing. It was working a month ago. Not sure what changed.

  17. Klark0
    Posted 15 years ago #

    The plugin I linked to before is a bit buggy and doesn't work properly..which is understandable since it's a year and half old.

    *Bump for anybody with the built importer working.

  18. tdjcbe
    Posted 15 years ago #

  19. Klark0
    Posted 15 years ago #

    ^^ Funny thing is ....import is working fine on my Test blog on! Just did 144 posts.

  20. ericmann
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I'm trying to help a new user move from Blogger to my WPMU installation. The import feature seems to work, but stops prematurely after importing 50 or so posts. I've tried various fixes:

    The first was to import content through a dummy installation. This "kinda" worked. I was able to import about 540 of the 898 posts before the importer stalled on me. For now, I decided to export those to an XML file and re-import them into WPMU. The export worked fine, but then WPMU only imported the first 270 posts. That was the end of route 1.

    Route 2 was to import to a local installation of WP and then export to WPMU. The import worked just fine ... but stalled after 50 of the 898 posts. I peeked at the import script and found it was limiting me to 50 requests. I raised that up to 1000 (to be safe) and tried importing again. Now, I get various levels of success whenever I make an attempt. One time it will fetch 120 posts, another it will fetch 140, another it will fetch 6.

    So far, importing through has been the most successful. But when every attempt is met with some degree of failure, I'm not willing to sit back and rest on it.

    What other options can you all think of for me to try? Yes, I even tried importing with a development version of WP2.7 (and a few outdated versions ... WP2.2 and WP 2.3) but nothing has worked so far. Ideas?

  21. Klark0
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Blogger hates us :(

  22. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago #


    just thought of another idea... try the "import via RSS" option. Set the blogger account to show a HUGE number of entries via RSS. To get the next chink, you'll have to delete the first chunk (at blogger) though. So.. maybe move them to a test blogger account first.

    yeah, it's a huge pain.

    (I gotta say, MovableType's export is really nice and works well. One of the two things I like about MT.)

  23. flieger28
    Posted 15 years ago #

    I have similar problems.
    First I tried via Blogger Import. Does not work because of the host (no ssl)
    Then i set up a blog at an tried to import from there. It works, but only for the first 50 Posts. In the blog are 270.
    Next try was to set up an installation localy. But also there only 50 Posts where imported.
    When i export these 50 and try to import these via the Wordpress import, nothing happens.
    Last try was to import via RSS.
    On the local installation it works but without Tags and comments.
    On the self hostet it doesnt work. Nothing is imported via RSS.
    Even if i export the posts on the local and try to import in the hosted one.
    So is there some kind of work arround?

  24. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago #

    That's what we're trying to figure out.

    it's quite possible that Blogger is to blame.

  25. flieger28
    Posted 15 years ago #

    But i can import the RSS-Feed from Blogger in my local test installation. But if i try the same with the wordpress instalation on the Webserver it fails. That couldn't be the fault of Blogger.
    Even if i export it in the local instalation as wordpress xml, it fails to import.

    So i gues the only way ist to import the RSS Feed in my local Test instalation, make a backup of the sql database an import it in the wordpress i have on the web.

  26. ericmann
    Posted 15 years ago #

    OK, I think I've got a bit of it figured out!

    From the looks of things, it's mostly a Blogger-side problem. If you turn off "post pages" (as most tutorials tell you to do), then you are only importing the blog archives. If things are set to "daily archives" and you post more than once per day, you'll only import the first post for each day (which is why a 900 post blog stopped after 500 posts).

    Likewise, if you select "monthly archive," which is the Blogger default, you'll only import the first post from each month! "No archives" will only let you import 1 post (the first post you ever published).

    I can't explain why the importer seems to stall mid-import, but this explains why it stops importing and jumps to the "Set Authors" button prematurely.

  27. tdjcbe
    Posted 15 years ago #

    From the looks of things, it's mostly a Blogger-side problem.

    That's what it's been the last five or six times. :)

    What are you using for a URL over there to connect to? or www1.(or is it 2)

  28. Klark0
    Posted 15 years ago #

    @eric. How do we explain where it works on (in my case) on my test blogs at and, but doesnt on my install with the same blogger blogs.

    tdjcbe ... Default setting is www2. Changing it to www doesnt help me.

  29. andrea_r
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Server settings. Or they changed code.

    But I'm guessing maybe some server memory limits.

  30. ericmann
    Posted 15 years ago #

    @Klarko - my guess would be server settings. I was able to finally get it to work on, my MU install, and my local install after I figured out what was wrong with the Blogger settings. Other than that, I really have no idea.

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