Hi I am not sure if this is related to the upgrade to 2.6.2 but I am locked. For example when I retrieve a draft I am thrown out to the login screen. Or when I update the contact form I am diverted to the login screen.
Your assistance is appreciated.
There could be a conflict with your cookies, can you try deleting your cookies to see if that helps?
And did you update all the secret salt/key/whatever else they tossed in there? :D
Hi Thanks for you comments. I went back and followed the procedure I was supposed to follow and it worked.
This sale/key whatever got me thinking that I made a mistake with the upgrade procedure.
By The Way: This secret code: Does only have to be set once or do we need to change it with every upgrade?
No, depends on if it flashes the big huge yellow message at you in the admin area.
Thanks andrea_r.
I just tried to update an email address in the contact form plugin form http://www.marketingtechblog.com/projects/wp-contactform/
And every time a click save the new settings I get logged out.
I have cleared all the cookies and all seems to be working fine.
um, are you using the single blog version of Wordpress? If so, wrong forum.
Hi I am using mu wordpress. And I have the latest update of mu wordpress ;-)
Hi Any ideas on how to resolve this issue? Thanks Johan
Posted 16 years ago #
Try adding this into wp-config.php:
define('ADMIN_COOKIE_PATH', '/');
define('COOKIE_DOMAIN', '');
define('COOKIEPATH', '');
define('SITECOOKIEPATH', '');
Hi VentureMaker. I tried your suggestion. I go to the wp-admin page and login. And then I get a blank page. Only when I remove the code can I login.
This must be some or other timing issue. 12 hours ago (before bed) I worked on the site and it all worked well. I added content mostly. Before the content bit I added a ajax plugin http://sivel.net/wordpress/ that gave me no trouble then. Today when I click on a link created the plugin I get logged out.
I have deactivated the plugin and then tried it again. I have cleared all cookies but it's still a problem.
Please note: All though this points a finger to the plugin this problem was encountered (when initially reported) on another MU blog that's not using this plugin.
Thanks for helping.
Hi When I de-activated the domain mapping plugin the problem was resolved. This is really unfortunately as I need/want to domain map plugin.
Posted 15 years ago #
Johan, so is the issue solved on your end or not?
I can have a look if you want.
Hi VentureMaker Thanks. It's not resolved and it will be great if you can have a look. I have moved the topic http://mu.wordpress.org/forums/topic.php?id=10560 hope you don't mind.
Thanks for the offer it's appreciated ;-)
johanhorak [at] gmail dot com