I know there are plenty more professional looking websites, but this is my first ever theme created from the ground up. We are a K-12 school district so this is as much a tool as it is a blogging platform. With that in mind, teachers just want to get in and add homework assignments. We also have the curious parent who looks for teacher blogs if they are not listed on the school websites.
I used mootools to add the "Pick a Tool" slide effect. When the icon is clicked, a list of our 32 schools drops down.
This is version 1. I plan to add a sitewide search, but haven't found a good one to use yet (any suggestions???). I am still tweaking the colors and css. It has 4 widget areas. Three in the center and one sidebar.
I had a previous post with Web2.0 Education ajax, but that is no longer valid. This theme replaced that theme.
Let me know what you think. I really got to tweak the colors. If I get it looking good, maybe I'll upload it to the themes at wordpress. Those themes look so much better though. I don't know if I am on that level yet with this one...