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MU installation does not allow http://domain.tld/blogname (2 posts)

  1. shaffiahmed
    Posted 16 years ago #


    I have installed wordpress MU (in the root http://domain.tld)

    When I log in as admin everything works fine. But when I register a test user, it send me an email saying please activate. But the format is http://blogname.domain.tld
    And by default the activation does not work as my I have not activated the wildcards.

    I want the format to be http://domain.tld/blogname
    While installing wordpress mu it did not give me any such option which I could select to choose this option. Please can someone help

  2. andrea_r
    Posted 16 years ago #

    You'll have to reinstall it and choose the subfolder option.
    Yes it *is* there on the install page - there's two radio buttons and they're kind of hiding in a lot of text.

    it's right above where you put in your database details.

About this Topic

  • Started 16 years ago by shaffiahmed
  • Latest reply from andrea_r