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Subdomain Issue (6 posts)

  1. trekkieandrea
    Posted 16 years ago #

    I suppose this is a weird thing I want to do. I've been running my wordpress mu for a bit now and have it set up as a subdomain with wildcard subdomain.

    Every once in a while I need to create a normal subdomain either as a new account (I have a reseller account so I can create member subdomains) or on my root account. Because I have it set as a wildcard, and if I set up a new subdomain it will redirect to the root account. In order to not have this problem, I have to delete the wildcard and then redo the wildcard.

    My question is, is there a way of being allowed to do both without deleting the wildcard?

  2. VentureMaker
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Nope, to the best of my knowledge...

  3. andrea_r
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Probably has something to do with the order in which they're being written to the file.

    (best guess. nice name. ;) )

  4. thomasderNeue
    Posted 16 years ago #

    if you have your own Server and your own DNS Server, there would be a way. But i do think thats a bit complicated!

  5. trekkieandrea
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Thank you. We on a shared server until we grow and then I'll be converting over to server and then I'll be back asking for the complicated method.

  6. VentureMaker
    Posted 16 years ago #

    OK, would be interesting to see this solution

About this Topic

  • Started 16 years ago by trekkieandrea
  • Latest reply from VentureMaker