I have WPMU running with 1010 users and 1244 blogs, all running well.
A single blog has stopped working with ' The blog you have requested is not installed properly. Please contact the system administrator.' as the message
If I edit the blog from Site Admin it appears with no options or users, (literally the whole options column is missing). Like the options table has just disappeared.
Does this sound familiar? Can anybody offer advice...
Did you check the database itself to see if the blog options table was there?
Posted 16 years ago #
Had such a thing several times. For example, connection to MySQL broke during blog signup, especially this can occur if you're on shared hosting.
Create another blog and that's it :)
Posted 16 years ago #
I have wpmu installed with 6 blogs and 4 users. I created the last blog on Oct. 18. Since then, I've been trying to create new blogs with no success. My site is at http://classes.krtams.org. One blog that works is http://classes.krtams.org/dtp. I tried creating several blogs e.g. http://classes.krtams.org/test4/ but get the error "The blog you have requested is not installed properly. Please contact the system administrator." I checked the server log and got several errors of the type "[20-Oct-2008 02:41:31] WordPress database error Table 'krtamsor_wpmudb.wp_27_options' doesn't exist for query UPDATE wp_27_options ..." I don't understand why this is happening since I have created several blogs without errors. I've tried this over and over again during the last two days.
dpresident, here are solution that you may try. Just repair your table in your cPanel.