I'm attempting to move a few of our blogs from a WPMU installation to separate Wordpress installs.
Is there an easy way to do this? Looking at the tables, it looks like theres a blog number concatenated into the table name wp_1_options, etc. Is it safe to export using phpmyadmin and replace wp_1_ with wp_?
Using Manage -> export kludges the tag names when imported into WP so they're purely numeric.
Thanks for any help you can offer.
"Is it safe to export using phpmyadmin and replace wp_1_ with wp_? "
Are there any other tables that i need to keep other than the wp_1_ ones? seems like there may be some global ones that i'd need to move over?
I haven't actually tried doing this myself, but there are some global tables such as wp_users and wp_usermeta that you will probably need to copy the relevant user accounts from.
Yep. Or go into the single WP accounts and create the users you need.
But the db way will probably be better.
Andrea - So, all the wp_1_* as well as:
# wp_signups
# wp_site
# wp_sitecategories
# wp_sitemeta
# wp_usermeta
# wp_users
then rename wp_1_* to wp_* and import into new database?
that sounds right.
Note: I've never moved WPMU to WP before. :D Just the other way.
I'm pretty sure WordPress will need all the wp_1_* tables (renamed to wp_*), plus wp_users and wp_usermeta.
Also, you probably won't need all the user accounts in wp_users (and associated wp_usermeta records), just the ones associated with the blog that you are moving.
The other wp_* tables shouldn't be required by normal WP.
Doh, Redundancy department here.