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Getting posts from all the blogs (7 posts)

  1. tapia
    Posted 16 years ago #


    I have several blogs with some categories on them. I'd like to create an automatic blog that shows all the posts in all the blogs posted in the category, say, "News". Is it possible to do that?

  2. dsader
    Posted 16 years ago #

    Donncha's Sitewide Tags Pages plugin will collect all posts/tags/cats on a blog. Use it to filter the site for posts in a particular tag/category.

  3. wordpressfan
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Can this plugin allow me to manipulate global categories within a theme? What I'd like to do is have several sites as subdomains of (a fictitious domain). At, I'd check the category and then display related posts. So, if posted a message in the "news" category, could include it in its news section.

    I've seen ways to create a sidebar widget, but never how to include global categories elsewhere.

  4. dsader
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Template functions work on the "tags" blog in the same way as any single blog, except the "tags" blog contains every post published sitewide. Any standard WP theme's Category link shows sitewide posts in that category.

    Here's a modified widget for retrieving categories from the sitewide tags blog that can be used "elsewhere":

  5. wordpressfan
    Posted 15 years ago #

    Thanks for the response, but I guess I am confused. I'm looking for a way for a portal to display the posts of all blogs within a wpmu system. Maybe I don't understand the definition of sitewide.

    How can I use the sitewide-extended-categories widget outside of a sidebar?

  6. dsader
    Posted 15 years ago #

    You ask for "a portal to display the posts of all blogs within a wpmu system"

    This is exactly what Donncha's tags blog plugin will create, eventually.

    Of course the widget only works in a sidebar, any blog elsewhere in the system can display the global or sitewide categories is all.

    Design your portal template using the usual functions in the WP Codex and do whatever you want with categories on your portal blog.

  7. jskov
    Posted 15 years ago #

    dsader, would you mind checking out my reply to your previous post here:

    I am trying to mail donw the answer, and it seemed like you had it. I thought I would tell you here, since you may not have a feed to that post, but I thought it would be likely that you might have one here.


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